Find your ancestors in Brands Directory of South Australia / Sheep Brands 1936-1938


Do you have ancestors in South Australia who owned sheep?

If so, make sure you search these brand directories! These are a unique, but incredibly useful source for family historians or anyone looking to build their family tree. Local historians will also find them a great resource, with the ability to easily reconstruct lists of stockowners in their region.

What is a "Sheep Brand?"

Owners branded their stock with a unique symbol or combination of symbols and/or letters. This identified who the animal/s belonged to. This volume contains tens of thousands of such brands for those in South Australia, from two directories: 1936 & 1938.

What information can be found in a brands directory? You will find an image of the brand registered, certificate number, former brands, name of proprietor, run where the brand is to be used (address), and nearest post town to the run.

This directories are divided into three sections:

  • Sheep Brands Registered
  • Sheep Earmarks & Firebrands Registered
  • Alphabetical List of Names of Owners
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