Find your ancestors in South Australia cultivators 1840

South Australia cultivators 1840

The survey of land under cultivation in 1840 as reported in the Register newspaper over several issues in mid-1841 is a useful census substitute and an excellent snapshot of crop production over 14,000 acres at the time.

Information on the fields in the database:

District A: north of Bay Road (now Anzac Highway) to Sturt Creek & thence a straight line towards Mt Lofty excluding Adelaide inc Port Adelaide and west of Mt Lofty.
District B: south of Bay Road and Greenhill Rd to 35°10’ and west of Mt Lofty .
District C: from 35°10’ [ie mouth Onkaparinga River] to 35°20’ and west of Mt Lofty.
District D: Mypolonga and Mount Compass region and west of Mt Lofty.
District E: Districts of Encounter Bay and Currency Creek and the Valley of the Inman.
District F: Delamere and Cape Jervis region.

Building tallies
The tallies for buildings are best estimates as sometimes the text is not precise.

Crop tallies
The crop tallies were recorded in acres and originally fractions rather than decimals were used.

Compiler’s comments within squared brackets.

Data provided by Graham Jaunay.