Find your ancestors in Moreton Bay Miscellaneous Records 1855-1859

Moreton Bay Miscellaneous Records 1855-1859

Do you have ancestry in Moreton Bay, QLD?

A wonderful genealogy resource, this indexed data set consists mainly of judicial records for:

  • Brisbane Gaol
  • Courts of Petty Sessions
  • Circuit Court
  • Toowoomba
  • Drayton Police Office

In addition, there's also Survey Office letters and Treasury accounts (all held in the Queensland State Archives). In total, 4,314 names have been indexed from 13 primary records. The index lists the name, title (form of address), nationality (where known), type of record, date, place, occupation, notes on the involvement of the person, religion, source and reference to the relevant record. The original records may contain other information such as place of residence and family information.

"What can I find out about my Moreton Bay ancestors in these records?"

  • Name - the index includes the names of people involved - both the primary person and others named in the record.
  • Title (Form of address) - Mr. is not indicated.
  • Nationality - British is not indicated.
  • Type of record - covers civil proceedings, criminal proceedings, financial records, land rcords, naturalisations and people named in connection with another person's event.
  • Place - town in which event occurred.
  • Occupation - this is only mentioned occasionally where indicated in the records.
  • Notes - these include short descriptions of the involvement of the people such as plaintiff, defendant, witness etc. Also the names of the ships and date on which prisoners in Brisbane Gaol arrived in Australia.
  • Religion - this is indicated in the records dealing with prisoners in Brisbane Gaol.
  • Source - Full description of the source material at the Queensland State Archives.
  • References - Following the source, there are columns for volume, column/folio. For the majority of the records only the source and folio number are required.

This is a great collection for anyone researching their family history or building a family tree.