Find your ancestors in Gloucestershire, Bristol Burial Index

Is your ancestor listed among the 273,000 Bristolians in this burial index? The index includes over 70 parishes. Explore the records and discover if your ancestor is buried in South West England. Find out their age at the time of death and their burial date. Found among the records is Scipio Africanus, an African servant brought to Bristol through the slave trade.

The Gloucestershire, Bristol burial index includes 273,182 burials from over 70 parishes. For a full list of the parishes represented in this collection consult the Gloucestershire, Bristol life events parish lists This collection of baptism records from Bristol comprise transcripts created by Findmypast using the original records held at the Bristol Archives and transcripts from FamilySearch’s International Genealogical Index (IGI).

Bristol is located in South West England on the rivers Frome and Avon. It is 120 miles west of London. The city prospered from maritime trade. The city traded with France, Portugal, Wales, Ireland, and America.