Find your ancestors in Herefordshire burials

Search thousands of Herefordshire burial records and add another generation to your family tree.

Every record is a transcript of the facts found in the original burial register. The details in each transcript will vary. The early burial registers may have only recorded an individual’s name and the date; however, later records may have included an individual’s residence and next of kin. The records in this collection will have a combination of the following facts:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Death year
  • Burial year
  • Burial date
  • Denomination
  • Place
  • County
  • Country
  • Father’s name
  • Mother's name
  • Spouse’s name

The Herefordshire burial index comprises records from both the Leintwardine History Society and FamilySearch’s International Genealogical Index. This collection of records from England’s West Midlands county spans more than four centuries. A burial record allows you to complete your ancestor’s story. Later burial records included a vital detail, your ancestor’s age at the time of death. Having your ancestor’s age will allow you to search for a baptism record. Burial records also give you a date to assist your search for your ancestor’s will. To help your search we have provided a full list of all the parishes available in this collection in Herefordshire parish lists.