Find your ancestors in New York City Marriage Notices, 1835-1880

Discover your family in New York City Marriage Notices from 1835 to 1880. Learn new details about your ancestors, including their date and place of marriage and other important details.

What can these records tell me?

This collection includes nearly 125,000 marriages reported in newspapers throughout New York City. Many of these marriages occurred in New York City, though a few marriages from outside of the area are also reported. While the information for each person may vary, records from New York City Marriage Notices, 1835-1880 typically include:

  • First and last name
  • Spouse’s first and last name
  • Date of marriage
  • Place of marriage
  • Groom’s home county and state
  • Bride’s home county and state
  • Name of person who performed marriage
  • Newspaper Title
  • Discover more about New York City Marriage Notices, 1835-1880

    New York City Marriage Notices contains important information about your ancestors that can be very helpful in expanding your family tree. While the city of New York did not officially begin registering marriages until 1881, these contemporary newspapers provide information on marriages from 1835 to 1880. Although this collection does not include every marriage in New York City, it does represent a number of events reported in three key newspapers. Abbreviations for each newspaper are as follows:

  • BE – Brooklyn Eagle
  • NYH – New York Herald
  • NYW – New York World

    These records can often lead to other findings in the newspapers, including articles about distant family members and obituaries. Pay careful attention to the individual who performed the marriage, a church records and other sources might also yield more information.