Find your ancestors in U.S. Veteran's Gravesites

U.S. Veteran's Grave Sites collection

The U.S. Veteran's Gravesites contains 7.6 million death records of people who served or are related to those who served, and are buried in various Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries, or other military cemeteries. The information is gathered from a variety of sources, so information in the transcripts will vary.

This collection is especially useful for family historians who do not know specifics about an ancestor, such as birth dates, in which branch of the military the ancestor served, or rank of a veteran. This vital records collection may be used as a launching point to lead to other collections detailing a person's life.

U.S. Veteran's Gravesites may include:

  • Name of deceased
  • Birth date
  • Death date
  • Interment date
  • Burial location/site
  • Cemetery name
  • Cemetery address
  • Relationship to veteran
  • Veteran service dates
  • Military rank
  • Military branch