Find your ancestors in Wyoming marriages 1867-1941

Explore Wyoming marriage records between the years 1867 and 1941 and learn about the joining of families in your lineage. Uncover essential biographical information like your ancestor’s maiden name and their exact date of marriage.

What can these records tell me?

Over 27,000 records in this collection, each identifies a marriage that occurred in the state of Wyoming in the decades surrounding the turn of the 20th century. While the information for each marriage varies, Wyoming marriages 1867-1941 usually includes:

  • First and last name
  • Marriage date
  • Marriage place
  • Marriage county
  • Spouse’s first and last name
  • Discover more about Wyoming marriages 1867-1941

    Wyoming marriage records provide important information you can use to find your pioneer ancestors who settled out west. Although statewide registration of marriages did not begin until 1941, many counties recorded this information from shortly after the county was established. Some duplicates might appear in these search results, as entries are often created for each individual mentioned on a record, including parents' names and spouse's parents' names.

    Discover your family members and learn facts to include in your family history. The details you learn could also help expand your research and lead to additional discoveries in our other collections of vital records and local newspapers.

    Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.