Anzac Day Stories

Honouring the brave men & women who represented their country during war.


Victor Towers Storie

My Grandfather Victor Towers Storie served in both WW1 and WWII (although he didn't serve overseas WW2 - he trained officers). He celebrated his 18th birthday on the Red Sea on his way over...

By Laney Scott-Young
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R James Trail

My father R James Trail, received the Military Medal for bravery in WW2. Below is the description of what happened...

By Marion Trail
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Peter Pemberthy

My grandfather was one of the original Anzacs he serviced in Anzac cove he lost his ear when he tried to protect his mate who was killed beside him. His name was Peter Pemberthy. I don’t know much about him as after the war my grandmother...

By Dianne Rigby
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Private Eric Alban Reid (1907-1941)

"C" Company of the 21st Battalion, 5th Infantry Brigade, 21530 Second Echelon, 2nd N.Z.E.F. War was declared on 3 Sept 1939 and although only just married (2 October 1939) Eric volunteered on the 4 October 1939. On 1 January 1941 the 21st Battalion sailed for the Middle East arriving...

By Jenny Paterson
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