A guide to abbreviations in the British Army, Honourable Artillery Company records

The British Army, Honourable Artillery Company records have a large amount of abbreviations and military jargon. To help you get the most from the records we have created a list of abbreviations for you to consult. The following guide might help with those most commonly found.

Abbreviation Definition
* (In front of name) Went overseas with the HAC
§ Awarded 1914 Star or 1914/15 Star
(In front of name) Went overseas with another unit of the armed forces (usually because of receiving a commission)
101 or 104101st Provisional Battalion or 104th Provisional Battalion
1 or 2 or 3 1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion or 3rd [Reserve] Battalion [HAC]. Note that Each of the three infantry battalions had four numbered companies (Nos 1-4 Company) and these are sometimes referred to as corresponding lettered companies (A-D Company) in HAC records (or histories)
1/1 or 2/1 or 3/1 1st Battalion, No. 1 [or A] Company [similar for 2nd and 3rd Bns] [HAC]
1/2 or 2/2 or 3/2 (or 1-2 and so on)1st Battalion, No. 2 [or B] Company [similar for 2nd and 3rd Bns] [HAC]
1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3 (or 1-3 and so on)1st Battalion, No. 3 [or C] Company [similar for 2nd and 3rd Bns] [HAC]
1/4 or 2/4 or 3/4 (or 1-4 and so on)1st Battalion, No. 4 [or D] Company [similar for 2nd and 3rd Bns] [HAC]
18 9 14 or 1 10 16 (Dates in columnar form) These represent dates written in columnar form; sometimes two days might be represented as '24 27 10 17'; these dates usually accompany information on going overseas, wounding, to hospital etc.
1-A or 1/A or 1/aA Battery [HAC]
1-B or 1/B or 1/bB Battery [HAC]
1st Reserve Bn3rd [or Reserve] Battalion [HAC]
2/LtSecond Lieutenant
20 5 17 lf 29 5 17 [with columnar dates]Reports from hospital on 20 May 1917 and given leave until 29 May 1917
20 Man. R20th Bn, Manchester Regt
24.9.14 [as a 'long' date]Dates written straight across at the beginning of a man's entry in the RNRs represent the date at which he joined the HAC and was assigned his regimental number; this 'long' date might also have extra day and month numbers below or above it
2-A or 2/A or 2/a2/A Battery [HAC]
2-B or 2/B or 2/b2/B Battery [HAC]
2nd icSecond in Command
392 XVIDischarged in consequence of being no longer physically fit for War Service' (paragraph 392 XVI King's Regulations)
3A or 3a 3/A Battery [later the Reserve Battery] [HAC]
3B or 3b3/B Battery [later the Reserve Battery] [HAC]
AA Battery [HAC]
A/Acting [with rank]
A/Capt.Acting Captain
adm.Admitted [to the HAC civil side]
AO no. Army Order no.
APMActing Provost Marshal
atd or attdAttached
BB Battery [HAC]
BEFBritish Expeditionary Force
Bomb. Sch.Bombing School
Bty Battery
C de GCroix de Guerre
C of E Church of England
Cad. S. KildareCadet School, Kildare [Ireland]
Calthorp [in columnar form]Calthorpe Steet Depot
Cam. Cambridge
CEChurch of England
Chris. Sc.Christian Scientist
Col Colonel
Com.Commissioned [into an HAC unit or another unit]
Cpl Corporal
'Crossed swords' symbol [with or without a columnar date]Went with original unit to Front; see also 'F' below
CSCadet School
CSMCompany Sergeant Major
CUCadet Unit
DAGDeputy Adjutant-General
DCMDistinguished Conduct Medal
DFCDistinguished Flying Cross
Dis. Com.Discharged to commission in another regiment/unit
DoWDied of Wounds
DSODistinguished Service Order
ECU [sometimes with date in columnar form]To Cadet School or Unit in England, as in '16 3 17 ECU'= 'to England 16 March 1917 to join Cadet School'
Exp. Expeditionary
FFather - as next of kin with religion, e.g. F CofE - 'father is next of kin, religion is Church of England'
FField [as in regiment]
F [with columnar date]Was drafted overseas from an HAC reserve unit to to join an HAC operational unit serving at the Front
gaz.Gazetted, i.e. commission published in the London Gazette
Gnr      Gunner  
GSWGun-shot wounds
H [sometimes with date in columnar form]To hospital
HAHorse Artillery [HAC]
HACHonourable Artillery Company
HBHousehold Brigade
HE [sometimes with date in columnar form]To hospital, England
IE [sometimes with date in columnar form]Invalided, to England
Imp. Camel CorpsImperial Camel Corps
KDead or missing
KCBKnight Commander of the Bath
KiAKilled in Action
KRRCKing's Royal Rifle Corps
Ks 392See 392 XVI
KSLIKing's Shropshire Light Infantry
L/Lance [as in rank]
L/Bdr Lance/Bombardier
L/Cpl Lance Corporal 
L/Sgt Lance/Sergeant
LCLance Corporal
LCD Seaf.London Command Depot at Seaford [Sussex]
LDLondon District
LDLCLondon District Labour Centre
LEELondon Electrical Engineers
LGLondon Gazette
LHE [in columnar form]In hospital whilst on leave in England
Lt Lieutenant
Lt-Col     Lieutenant-Colonel
Lt-Gen. Lieutenant-General
MMother - as next of kin with religion, e.g. 'M CofE' - 'mother is next of kin, religion is Church of England'
M [sometimes with date in columnar form]Missing
M. in Desp. Mentioned in Despatches
Maj.-Gen.  Major-General
Man. R.Manchester Regiment
MBEMember of the Order of the British Empire
MCMilitary Cross
MGC Bisley [or other locations]Machine Gun School at Bisley [or other locations]
MiDMentioned in Despatches
MinDMentioned in Despatches
MMMilitary Medal
MMB‘Major Mayhew’s Book’ [HAC’s 1st Bn Register]
NCONon-Commissioned Officer
OCOfficer Cadet
OCBOfficer Cadet Battalion
POW [in columnar form]Prisoner of War
Presby or Pres.Presbyterian
QMQuartermaster [officer rank]
R Berks.Royal Berkshire Regiment
R W Kent RRoyal West Kent Regt
R War. RRoyal Warickshire Regt
R W Surrey RRoyal West Surrey Regt
R. Welsh Fus.Regiment of Royal Welsh Fusiliers
RA ExeterOfficers Royal Artillery School, Exeter
RA Select. St JWdRoyal Artillery Officers Selection, St John's Wood
RBReserve Battery [HAC]
RCRoman Catholic
RDC [in columnar form]Royal Defence Corps
RERoyal Engineers
RE SignalsRoyal Engineers Signals
RFARoyal Field Artillery
RFCRoyal Flying Corps
RFC Denh.Royal Flying Corps, Denham
RGARoyal Garrison Artillery
RNRoyal Navy
RS [in columnar form]Royal Scots
S Wales BdrsSouth Wales Borderers
S/Sgt or S/SjtStaff Sergeant
SB309th (HAC) Siege Battery RGA [HAC]
SESouth East
SE [sometimes with date in columnar form]Sick, to England
Sgt Sergeant
Sh shShell shock
Sherwood For.Sherwood Foresters
sicThus' [Latin]
Sp. Res.Special Reserve [of officers]
SSSignal Section [?]
St JWdSt John's Wood
Sub.-LtSubordinate Lieutenant [junior naval rank]
T/Temporary [with rank]
Tanks [in columnar form]Tank Regiment
TD  Territorial Decoration
TM or TMB or TM ByTrench Mortar Battery
TRTraining Reserve
VCVictoria Cross
WWife [as next of kin with religion], e.g. 'W RC' - 'wife is next of kin, religion is Roman Catholic'
W [sometimes with date in columnar form]Wounded
WE [sometimes with date in columnar form]Wounded, to England
Wes or WeslyWesleyan
WH [sometimes with date in columnar form] Wounded and in hospital
WO 1st ClassWarrant Officer First Class
WO ListWar Office List