Explore your Jamaican heritage by searching through over a million birth and baptism records from Jamaica.
Below you will find a list of the parishes and the local district registrars available in Jamaica Births and Baptisms.
Parish | including former Parishes | County | capital town |
Clarendon | Vere | Middlesex | May Pen |
Hanover | Cornwall | Lucea | |
Kingston | Port Royal (pt), St Andrew (pt) | Surrey | Kingston |
Manchester | Middlesex | Mandeville | |
Portland | St George | Surrey | Port Antonio |
St Andrew | Port Royal (pt) | Surrey | Half Way Tree |
St Ann | Middlesex | St Ann's Bay | |
St Catherine | St Dorothy, St John, St Thomas in the Vale | Middlesex | Spanish Town |
St Elizabeth | Cornwall | Black River | |
St James | Cornwall | Montego Bay | |
St Mary | Metcalfe | Middlesex | Port Maria |
St Thomas | St David, St Thomas in the East | Surrey | Morant Bay |
Trelawny | Cornwall | Falmouth | |
Westmoreland | Cornwall | Savanna-la-Mar |
Local District Registrars
Local District Registrar | LDR code | Parish | County | note |
Kingston | AA | Kingston | Surrey | 1878-date |
Port Royal | AB | Kingston | Surrey | 1878-date |
Half Way Tree | BA | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-date |
Somerset | BAA | St Andrew | Surrey | 1959-1988 |
August Town | BAB | St Andrew | Surrey | 1959-1988 |
Lenna | BAC | St Andrew | Surrey | 1964-date |
Harbour View | BAD | St Andrew | Surrey | 1970-date |
Parks Road | BAE | St Andrew | Surrey | 1970-date |
Gordon Town | BB | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-date |
Content Gap | BC | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-date |
Mount Charles | BD | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-date |
Temple Hall | BE | St Andrew | Surrey | 1892-date |
Golden Spring | BE | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-1892 |
Cold Spring | BF | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-1970 |
Dallas Castle | BG | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-1884, and 1906-date |
Constitution Hill | BG | St Andrew | Surrey | 1884-1906 |
Bull Bay | BH | St Andrew | Surrey | 1878-date |
Stony Hill | BI | St Andrew | Surrey | 1881-1981 |
BJ | St Andrew | Surrey | code not used | |
Lawrence Tavern | BK | St Andrew | Surrey | 1881-date |
Woodford | BL | St Andrew | Surrey | 1881-date |
Crossroads or Cross Roads | BM | St Andrew | Surrey | 1881-date |
St James | BN | St Andrew | Surrey | 1881-date |
Brandon Hill | BO | St Andrew | Surrey | 1882-date |
Galloway | BP | St Andrew | Surrey | 1882-1987 |
Cavaliers | BQ | St Andrew | Surrey | 1884-1978 |
August Town | BR | St Andrew | Surrey | 1884-1887 |
Salisbury Plain | BS | St Andrew | Surrey | 1885-1969 |
Red Hills | BT | St Andrew | Surrey | 1887-date |
BU | St Andrew | Surrey | code not used | |
Manning's Hill | BV | St Andrew | Surrey | 1929-date |
Mary Brown's Corner | BW | St Andrew | Surrey | 1944-date |
Whitfield Town | BX | St Andrew | Surrey | 1946-date |
University College of the West Indies | BY | St Andrew | Surrey | 1953-date |
Cockburn Pen or Cockburn Gardens | BZ | St Andrew | Surrey | 1954-date |
Morant Bay | CA | St Thomas | Surrey | 1878- |
Bath | CB | St Thomas | Surrey | 1878- |
Golden Grove | CC | St Thomas | Surrey | 1878- |
Yallahs | CD | St Thomas | Surrey | 1893-date |
Easington | CD | St Thomas | Surrey | 1878-1892 |
Woburn Lawn | CE | St Thomas | Surrey | 1878- |
Trinity Ville | CF | St Thomas | Surrey | 1881- |
The Abbey | CG | St Thomas | Surrey | 1892- |
Port Morant | CH | St Thomas | Surrey | 1895- |
Blue Mountain Valley | CI | St Thomas | Surrey | 1895- |
CJ | St Thomas | Surrey | code not used | |
Cedar Valley | CK | St Thomas | Surrey | 1931- |
Sunning Hill | CL | St Thomas | Surrey | 1931- |
Eleven Mile | CM | St Thomas | Surrey | 1935- |
Airy Castle | CN | St Thomas | Surrey | 1938- |
Bowden | CO | St Thomas | Surrey | 1938- |
Spring Garden | CP | St Thomas | Surrey | 1938- |
Dalvey | CQ | St Thomas | Surrey | 1938- |
Wilmington | CR | St Thomas | Surrey | 1940- |
Whitehorses or White Horses | CS | St Thomas | Surrey | 1943- |
Whitehall | CT | St Thomas | Surrey | 1960- |
CU | St Thomas | Surrey | code not used | |
Norris | CV | St Thomas | Surrey | 1964- |
Port Antonio | DA | Portland | Surrey | 1878- |
Manchioneal | DB | Portland | Surrey | 1878- |
Priestman's River | DC | Portland | Surrey | 1878-date |
Buff Bay | DD | Portland | Surrey | 1878- |
Hope Bay | DE | Portland | Surrey | 1878- |
Moore Town | DF | Portland | Surrey | 1878-date |
Claverty Cottage | DG | Portland | Surrey | 1881-date |
Birnamwood & Silver Hill | DH | Portland | Surrey | 1885-date |
Fairfield | DI | Portland | Surrey | 1885-date |
DJ | Portland | Surrey | code not used | |
St Margaret's Bay | DK | Portland | Surrey | 1913-date |
Fairy Hill | DL | Portland | Surrey | 1915-date |
Swift River | DM | Portland | Surrey | 1919-date |
Skibo | DN | Portland | Surrey | 1929-1943 |
Fruitful Vale | DO | Portland | Surrey | 1934-date |
Fellowship | DP | Portland | Surrey | 1936-date |
Long Bay | DQ | Portland | Surrey | 1937-date |
Hector's River | DR | Portland | Surrey | 1939-date |
Prior Park | DS | Portland | Surrey | 1942- |
Belvedere | DS | Portland | Surrey | 1941-date |
Comfort Castle | DT | Portland | Surrey | 1942-date |
DU | Portland | Surrey | code not used | |
Orange Bay | DV | Portland | Surrey | 1943-date |
Skibo | DW | Portland | Surrey | 1944-date |
Balcarres | DX | Portland | Surrey | 1954-date |
Green Hill or Cascade | DY | Portland | Surrey | 1961-date |
Windsor Castle | DZ | Portland | Surrey | 1961-date |
Spanish Town | EA | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Bog Walk | EAA | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1908-date |
Guy's Hill | EAB | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1923-date |
Troja | EAC | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1924-date |
Watermount | EAD | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1931-date |
Mount Industry | EAE | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1955-date |
Ginger Ridge | EAF | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1958-date |
Gregory Park | EAG | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1960-date |
Spring Vale or Springvale | EAH | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1961-date |
Mendez or Mendes | EAI | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1964-date |
EAJ | St Catherine | Middlesex | code not used | |
Byndloss | EAK | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1971-date |
Lucky Valley | EAL | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1969-date |
Patton Park or Mount Moreland | EAM | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1972-date |
Bois Content | EAN | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1975-date |
Old Harbour | EB | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Linstead | EC | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Ewarton | ED | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
St Faith's | EE | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Worthy Park or Lluidas Vale | EF | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Pear Tree Grove | EG | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
The Rectory | EH | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Guanaboa Vale | EI | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
EJ | St Catherine | Middlesex | code not used | |
Point Hill | EK | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Barton's | EL | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Marlie Hill or Marley Hill | EM | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Harewood | EN | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Highgate or Sligoville | EO | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Allman Hill | EP | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1885-date |
Bellas Gate | EQ | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1887-date |
Rentcome | ER | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1888-date |
Seafield | ES | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1895-date |
Caymanas | ES | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1889-1894 |
Jericho | ET | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-1907 |
EU | St Catherine | Middlesex | code not used | |
Bermaddy | EV | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-date |
Redwood | EW | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-date |
Mount Hermon | EX | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-date |
Buxton Town | EY | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-date |
McCook or McCook's Pen | EZ | St Catherine | Middlesex | 1890-date |
Annotto Bay | FA | St Mary | Middlesex | 1878- |
Belfield | FAA | St Mary | Middlesex | 1940- |
Wood Park | FAB | St Mary | Middlesex | 1941- |
Cascade | FAC | St Mary | Middlesex | 1942- |
Albany | FAD | St Mary | Middlesex | 1943- |
Long Road | FAE | St Mary | Middlesex | 1944- |
Fellowship Hall | FAF | St Mary | Middlesex | 1954- |
Lucky Hill | FAG | St Mary | Middlesex | 1954- |
Epsom | FAH | St Mary | Middlesex | 1954- |
Dover | FAI | St Mary | Middlesex | |
FAJ | St Mary | Middlesex | code not used | |
Leinster | FAK | St Mary | Middlesex | |
Port Maria | FB | St Mary | Middlesex | 1878- |
Richmond | FC | St Mary | Middlesex | 1878- |
Retreat | FD | St Mary | Middlesex | 1878- |
Chesterfield | FE | St Mary | Middlesex | 1878- |
Gayle | FF | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881- |
Enfield | FG | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881- |
Mount Regale | FH | St Mary | Middlesex | 1882- |
Carron Hall | FI | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881- |
FJ | St Mary | Middlesex | code not used | |
Mount Angus | FK | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881- |
Long Road | FL | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881-1892 |
Oracabessa | FM | St Mary | Middlesex | 1881- |
Lenna | FN | St Mary | Middlesex | 1882- |
Clonmel | FO | St Mary | Middlesex | 1885- |
Castleton | FP | St Mary | Middlesex | 1895- |
Tom's River | FP | St Mary | Middlesex | 1885-1895 |
Islington | FQ | St Mary | Middlesex | 1886- |
Woodside | FR | St Mary | Middlesex | 1894- |
Scott's Hall | FS | St Mary | Middlesex | 1895- |
Hampstead | FT | St Mary | Middlesex | 1896- |
FU | St Mary | Middlesex | code not used | |
Guy's Hill | FV | St Mary | Middlesex | 1923- |
Brainerd | FW | St Mary | Middlesex | 1936- |
Bonny Gate | FX | St Mary | Middlesex | 1938- |
Camberwell | FY | St Mary | Middlesex | 1938- |
Jeffrey Town | FZ | St Mary | Middlesex | 1939- |
St Ann's Bay | GA | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Lime Tree Garden | GAA | St Ann | Middlesex | 1949-date |
Lodge | GAB | St Ann | Middlesex | 1953-date |
Lime Hall | GAC | St Ann | Middlesex | 1958-date |
McNie | GAD | St Ann | Middlesex | 1961-date |
Aenon Town | GAE | St Ann | Middlesex | |
Brown's Town | GB | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Ocho Rios | GC | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Moneague | GD | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Discovery Bay | GE | St Ann | Middlesex | 1948-date |
Dry Harbour | GE | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-1948 |
Alexandria | GF | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Pedro | GG | St Ann | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Guy's Hill | GH | St Ann | Middlesex | 1880-date |
Bamboo or Little Kent | GI | St Ann | Middlesex | 1881-date |
GJ | St Ann | Middlesex | code not used | |
Gibraltar | GK | St Ann | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Claremont | GL | St Ann | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Cave Valley | GM | St Ann | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Yankee | GN | St Ann | Middlesex | 1887-date |
Antrim | GO | St Ann | Middlesex | 1890-1897 |
Sturge Town | GO | St Ann | Middlesex | 1897-date |
Stepney | GP | St Ann | Middlesex | 1894-date |
Mount Moriah | GQ | St Ann | Middlesex | 1894-date |
Watt Town | GR | St Ann | Middlesex | 1897-date |
Runaway Bay | GS | St Ann | Middlesex | 1913-date |
Keith | GT | St Ann | Middlesex | 1919-date |
GU | St Ann | Middlesex | code not used | |
Bensonton | GV | St Ann | Middlesex | 1920-date |
Blackstonedge or Blackstone Edge | GW | St Ann | Middlesex | 1934-1985 |
Walker's Wood | GX | St Ann | Middlesex | 1934-date |
Alderton | GY | St Ann | Middlesex | 1939-1987 |
Linton Park | GZ | St Ann | Middlesex | 1941-date |
May Pen | HA | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Beckford Kraal | HAA | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1928-date |
Garlogie | HAB | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1930-date |
Richmond Park | HAC | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1935-date |
James Hill | HAD | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1935-date |
Race Course | HAE | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1936-date |
Wood Hall | HAF | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1936-date |
Kellits | HAG | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1938-1970 |
Frankfield | HAH | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1938-date |
Keys | HAI | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1939-date |
HAJ | Clarendon | Middlesex | code not used | |
Lionel Town | HAK | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1940-date |
Salt River | HAL | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1941-1993 |
Moravia | HAM | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1944-date |
Cross or Palmer's Cross | HAN | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1955-date |
Ashley | HAO | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1958-date |
Silver Spring | HAP | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1958-date |
Main Ridge | HAQ | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1959-date |
Free Town or Freetown | HAR | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1961-date |
McNie | HAS | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1961-date |
Crawle River | HAT | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1963-date |
HAU | Clarendon | Middlesex | code not used | |
Moores | HAV | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1972-1984 |
Breeze Mill | HAW | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1975-date |
Four Paths | HB | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Chapelton | HC | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Milk River | HD | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Alley | HE | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Rock River | HF | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Grantham | HG | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1878-date |
St Jago | HH | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Hayes | HI | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1881-date |
HJ | Clarendon | Middlesex | code not used | |
Bull Head | HK | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1887-date |
Kellitts | HK | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1881-1887 |
Rosewell | HL | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1882-1986 |
Portland or Portland Cottage | HM | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1884-date |
Alston | HN | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1886-date |
Crofts or Crofts Hill | HO | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1887-date |
Thompson Town | HP | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1888-date |
Mears | HQ | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1888-date |
Aenon Town | HR | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1890-date |
Ballard's River | HS | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1892-1895 |
Spaldings | HT | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1895-date |
HU | Clarendon | Middlesex | code not used | |
Mocho | HV | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1898-date |
Clarendon Park | HW | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1906-date |
Mason's River or Mason River | HX | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1908-date |
Crooked River | HY | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1927-date |
Smithville | HZ | Clarendon | Middlesex | 1928-date |
Mandeville | IA | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Williamsfield | IAA | Manchester | Middlesex | 1934-1936 |
Lincoln | IAB | Manchester | Middlesex | 1935-date |
Kendal | IAC | Manchester | Middlesex | 1936-date |
Auchtembeddie | IAD | Manchester | Middlesex | 1938-date |
Royal Flat | IAE | Manchester | Middlesex | 1938-1989 |
Hatfield | IAF | Manchester | Middlesex | 1942-date |
Moravia | IAG | Manchester | Middlesex | 1944-date |
Spaldings | IAH | Manchester | Middlesex | 1946-date |
Knockpatrick | IAI | Manchester | Middlesex | 1954-date |
IAJ | Manchester | Middlesex | code not used | |
Plowden | IAK | Manchester | Middlesex | 1969-date |
Grove Town | IAL | Manchester | Middlesex | 1969-date |
Porus | IB | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
May Hill | IC | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-1974 |
Mile Gully | ID | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Newport | IE | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Asia | IF | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Shooter's Hill | IG | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
Devon | IH | Manchester | Middlesex | 1905-date |
Christiana | IH | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-1905 |
Alligator Pond | II | Manchester | Middlesex | 1878-date |
IJ | Manchester | Middlesex | code not used | |
Watson's Hill | IK | Manchester | Middlesex | 1881-date |
New Broughton | IL | Manchester | Middlesex | 1881-1939 |
Maidstone | IM | Manchester | Middlesex | 1891-date |
Medina | IM | Manchester | Middlesex | 1881-1891 |
Victoria Town | IN | Manchester | Middlesex | 1881-date |
Keynsham | IO | Manchester | Middlesex | 1882-date |
Moravia | IP | Manchester | Middlesex | 1886-1912 |
Christiana | IQ | Manchester | Middlesex | 1905-date |
Viewfield | IQ | Manchester | Middlesex | 1887-1904 |
Davyton | IR | Manchester | Middlesex | 1892-date |
Harry Watch | IS | Manchester | Middlesex | 1896-date |
Old England | IT | Manchester | Middlesex | 1898-date |
IU | Manchester | Middlesex | code not used | |
Coleyville | IV | Manchester | Middlesex | 1915-date |
Harmons | IW | Manchester | Middlesex | 1923-date |
Comfort Hall | IX | Manchester | Middlesex | 1926-date |
Craighead or Craig Head | IY | Manchester | Middlesex | 1928-date |
Banana Ground | IZ | Manchester | Middlesex | 1929-date |
Black River | KA | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Portsea | KAA | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1910-date |
Munro College or Monroe College | KAB | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1930-date |
Elderslie or Eldersley | KAC | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1931-date |
Carisbrook | KAD | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1934-date |
Bull Savannah | KAE | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1935-date |
Junction | KAF | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1939-date |
Nain | KAG | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1941-date |
Aberdeen | KAH | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1947-date |
Top Hill | KAI | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1953-date |
KAJ | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | code not used | |
Brighton | KAK | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1955-date |
Giddy Hall | KAL | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1955-date |
Kilmarnock | KAM | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1960-date |
Burnt Savannah | KAN | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1961-date |
KAO | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | LDR unknown | |
Goshen | KAP | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1970-date |
Cambridge | KB | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Cheltenham | KC | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1982 |
Shaws | KD | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Lacovia | KE | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Siloah | KF | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Balaclava | KG | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Santa Cruz | KH | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Newton | KH | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Southfield | KI | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Santa Cruz | KI | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
KJ | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | code not used | |
Pedro Plains | KK | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Southfield | KK | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Newell | KL | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Pedro Plains | KL | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Williamsfield | KM | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Malvern Wells | KM | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Malvern | KN | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Newell | KN | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Mountainside | KO | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-1938 |
Williamsfield | KO | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Lititz | KP | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Malvern | KP | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Mulgrave | KQ | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1879-date |
Mountainside | KQ | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1878-1879 |
Vineyard | KR | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1882-1882 |
New Market | KR | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1882-date |
Springfield | KS | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1882-date |
Retirement | KT | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1882-date |
KU | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | code not used | |
Parottee | KV | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1889-date |
Pepper | KW | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1895-date |
Ginger Hill | KX | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1895-date |
Myersville | KY | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1898-date |
Brae's River | KZ | St Elizabeth | Cornwall | 1898-date |
Savanna-la-Mar | LA | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Grange Hill | LB | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Bluefield or Bluefields | LC | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Kings | LD | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
St Paul's | LE | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Petersfield | LF | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Seaford Town | LG | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
St Peter's | LH | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Bethel Town | LI | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1883-date |
St John's | LI | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1878-1883 |
LJ | Westmoreland | Cornwall | code not used | |
Sheffield | LK | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Bigwoods | LL | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Darliston | LM | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1882-date |
Porter's Mountain | LN | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1884-date |
Townhead or Town Head | LO | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1897-date |
Sutcliffe Mount | LP | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1897-date |
Friendship | LQ | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1920-date |
Ashton | LR | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1928-date |
Cornwall Mountain | LS | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1931-date |
Glenislay or Glen Islay | LT | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1934-date |
LU | Westmoreland | Cornwall | code not used | |
Beeston Spring | LV | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1935-date |
Cave | LW | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1936-date |
Negril | LX | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1942-date |
Holly Hill | LY | Westmoreland | Cornwall | 1951-date |
Lucea | MA | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Sandy Bay | MB | Hanover | Cornwall | 1892-date |
Flint River | MB | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-1891 |
Green Island | MC | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Riverside | MD | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Kingsvale or Flamstead Kingsville | MD | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-1878 |
Ramble | ME | Hanover | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Chester Castle | MF | Hanover | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Mount Hannah | MG | Hanover | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Brownsville | MH | Hanover | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Church Hill | MI | Hanover | Cornwall | 1881-date |
MJ | Hanover | Cornwall | code not used | |
Hopewell | MK | Hanover | Cornwall | 1892-date |
Gurney's Mount | ML | Hanover | Cornwall | 1925-date |
Askenish | MM | Hanover | Cornwall | 1933-date |
Cessnock | MN | Hanover | Cornwall | 1933-date |
Jericho | MO | Hanover | Cornwall | 1934-date |
Mount Peto | MP | Hanover | Cornwall | 1940-date |
Haddington | MQ | Hanover | Cornwall | 1947-date |
Copse | MR | Hanover | Cornwall | 1960-date |
Montego Bay | NA | St James | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Mount Zion | NAA | St James | Cornwall | |
Plum Park | NAB | St James | Cornwall | |
Adelphi | NB | St James | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Little River | NC | St James | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Montpelier | ND | St James | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Springfield | NE | St James | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Salter's Hill | NF | St James | Cornwall | 1884-1940 |
Mount Horeb | NG | St James | Cornwall | 1895-1989 |
Cambridge | NH | St James | Cornwall | 1895-date |
Orange Hill | NI | St James | Cornwall | 1896-1989 |
NJ | St James | Cornwall | code not used | |
Maldon | NK | St James | Cornwall | 1902-date |
Mocho | NL | St James | Cornwall | 1908-1989 |
Catadupa | NM | St James | Cornwall | 1934-date |
Vaughansfield | NN | St James | Cornwall | 1936-date |
Reading | NO | St James | Cornwall | 1937-1980 |
Sign | NP | St James | Cornwall | 1939-1989 |
John's Hall | NQ | St James | Cornwall | 1940-1984 |
Lottery | NR | St James | Cornwall | 1940-date |
Somerton | NS | St James | Cornwall | 1942-date |
Hopeton | NT | St James | Cornwall | 1943-date |
NU | St James | Cornwall | code not used | |
Niagara | NV | St James | Cornwall | 1949-date |
Bickersteth | NW | St James | Cornwall | 1953- |
Roehampton | NX | St James | Cornwall | 1955-date |
Salt Spring | NY | St James | Cornwall | 1958-date |
Mount Salem | NZ | St James | Cornwall | 1962-date |
Falmouth | OA | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Stewart Town | OB | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Rio Bueno | OC | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Ulster Spring | OD | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Clark's Town | OE | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Bunker's Hill | OF | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1878-date |
Deeside | OG | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Duncan's | OH | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Bellevue | OI | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Duanvale | OI | Trelawny | Cornwall | |
OJ | Trelawny | Cornwall | code not used | |
Salt Marsh | OK | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1881-date |
Bounty Hall | OL | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1897-date |
Hampden | OL | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1884-1897 |
Waldensia | OM | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1886-date |
Low River or Lowe River | ON | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1887-date |
Wait-A-Bit | OO | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1893-date |
Albert Town | OP | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1893-date |
Sawyer's Market | OQ | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1895-date |
Troy | OR | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1923-date |
Jackson Town | OS | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1940-date |
Warsop | OT | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1941-date |
OU | Trelawny | Cornwall | code not used | |
Rock Spring | OV | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1943-date |
Quickstep or Quick Step | OW | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1957-1979 |
Wakefield | OX | Trelawny | Cornwall | 1964-date |