Abbreviation / Symbol | Meaning |
A |
Absol. of admtor. | absolution of administrator |
Acct. | administrator's account |
admon. | administration act |
admtor. | administrator |
admtrix. | administratrix |
Aff. | affidavit |
Affirm. | affirmation |
aftw. | afterwards |
Alex. | Alexander |
Alf. | Alfred |
Alln. | Allegation |
als. | alias |
Ambr. | Ambrose |
Andr. | Andrew |
Anth. | Anthony |
apoth. | apothecary |
Appt. of ctor., ctrix. | appointment of curator, curatrix |
appt. of proc. | appointment of proctor |
Appt. of proxy | appointment of proxy |
Archd. | Archdeacon |
Arth. | Arthur |
atty. | attorney at law |
Aug. | Augustine |
Auth. of admtor. | authorization of administrator |
B |
bach. | bachelor |
Barb. | Barbara |
bargem. | bargeman |
Barth. | Bartholomew |
basketm. | basketmaker |
Bd. | administration bond |
bdsmn. | bondsman, bondsmen |
bur. | to be buried at |
Benj. | Benjamin |
blanketm. | blanket maker |
blanketw. | blanket weaver |
blksm. | blacksmith |
bro. | brother |
butch. | butcher |
C |
c. | circa |
Cert. | certificate |
canc. | cancelled |
carp. | carpenter |
Cath. | Catherine |
ch., chn. | child, children |
Chas. | Charles |
Chris. | Christopher |
Cit. | citation |
Clem. | Clement |
clk. | clerk |
clothw. | cloth worker |
Cod. | codicil |
coll. | college |
collarm. | collarmaker |
Comm. | commission |
conc. | concerning |
cordw. | cordwainer |
Ct.act, papers | court act, papers |
ctor., ctrix. | curator, curatrix |
Cur.act, bond | curation act, bond |
Cur. bd. | Curation bond |
D |
d. | dated |
d. of g. | deed of gift |
Dan. | Daniel |
dau. | daughter |
day lab. | day labourer |
decd. | deceased |
Decln. of no assets | declaration of no assets |
Depn. | deposition |
dioc. | diocese |
dmgd. | damaged |
Dthy. | Dorothy |
E |
Edm. | Edmund |
Edw. | Edward |
Eliz. | Elizabeth |
end. | endorsed |
esq. | esquire |
Excomm. | schedule of excommunication |
exh. | exhibited |
exor. | executor |
extrix. | executrix |
F |
f. | father |
f. | folio |
fellm | fellmonger |
fishm. | fishmonger |
frag. | fragment |
Fred. | Frederick |
G |
gdnr. | gardener |
gent. | gentleman |
gentwm. | gentlewoman |
Geo. | George |
Geof. | Geoffrey |
Gilb. | Gilbert |
glo. | glover |
gn. | guardian |
grandau. | granddaughter(s) |
Greg. | Gregory |
H |
h. | husband |
haberd. | haberdasher |
heelm. | heelmaker |
Herb. | Herbert |
hoopm. | hoopmaker |
Humf., Humph. | Humfrey, Humphrey |
husb. | husbandman |
Hy. | Henry |
I |
I. | Inventory |
incompl. | incomplete |
innh. | innholder |
innk. | innkeeper |
Interrog. | Interrogatories |
ironm. | ironmonger |
J |
Jas. | James |
Jn. | John |
Jud. | Judith |
jnr.. | junior |
K |
Kath. | Katherine |
Kathl. | Kathleen |
Knt. | knight |
L |
lab. | labourer, labouring | man |
lastm. | lastmaker |
Laur., Lawr. | Laurence, Lawrence |
leg. | legacy, legacies |
Letters of admon. | letters of administration |
Letters of atty. | letters of attorney |
M |
m. | mother |
Magd. | Magdalen(e) |
malt. | maltster |
Marg. | Margery |
Marm. | Marmaduke |
Matt. | Mat(t)hew |
Mem. | Memorandum |
Mgt. | Margaret |
Mich. | Michael |
millw. | millwright |
Mon. | monition |
N |
Nath. | Nathaniel |
Nich. | Nicholas |
no chr. name | no Christian name specified |
P |
par. | parish |
par. clk. | parish clerk |
Pat. | Patience |
P.C.C. | Prerogative Court of Canterbury |
pec. | peculiar jurisdiction |
Phil. | Philip |
pinm. | pinmaker |
pr. | proved in the Court of |
pro. | probate |
Prob.act | Probate act |
R |
Rd. | Richard |
Rect. | receipt |
Reg. | Reginald |
rel. | relict |
Ren., ren. | Renunciation, renounced |
Resp. pers. | Responsa personalia |
Robt. | Robert |
Rog. | Roger |
S |
s. | son |
Sam. | Samuel |
schoolm. | schoolmaster |
sen. | senior |
Sent. | Diffinitive sentence |
servt. | servant |
shep. | shepherd |
shoem. | shoemaker |
spin. | spinster |
Steph., Stev. | Stephen, Steven |
T |
Thos. | Thomas |
Tim. | Timothy |
tinpl. | tinplate worker |
Tn. act, bd. | tuition act, bond |
U |
Univ. | University |
V |
V.C. ct. | Vice Chancellor's court |
Val. | Valentine |
vict. | victualler |
W |
w. | wife |
W. | Will |
Walt. | Walter |
Warr. | Warrant |
whlwr. | wheelwright |
wid. | widow, widower |
Wm. | William |
wr. | written |
Y |
yeo. | yeoman |
Z |
Zach. | Zachary |
Symbol |
[ ] | information not included in the documents indexed but obtained from another source, usually the Christian name of the deceased obtained from a parish register. |
† | document recorded in indexes compiled at the Principal Probate Registry but now missing. |