Explore your Scottish ancestry with these death and burial records from Dumfriesshire. Many of the burial records include additional details about your ancestor such as, their last address, parents’ names and birth date.
Parish List
Parish | Year from | Year to | Record count |
Applegarth and Sibbaldbie | 1750 | 1854 | 550 |
Canonbie | 1780 | 1805 | 512 |
Cummertrees | 1733 | 1838 | 10 |
Dalton | 1767 | 1817 | 263 |
Dumfries | 1607 | 1854 | 27029 |
Dunscore | 1770 | 1839 | 367 |
Eskdalemuir | 1726 | 1801 | 297 |
Ewes | 1717 | 1819 | 320 |
Hutton and Corrie | 1817 | 1854 | 346 |
Kirkmahoe | 1729 | 1818 | 333 |
Kirkpatrick Juxta | 1798 | 1855 | 465 |
Langholm | 1668 | 1854 | 4793 |
Mouswald | 1836 | 1861 | 252 |
Ruthwell | 1773 | 1775 | 50 |
St Mungo | 1702 | 1854 | 439 |
Torthorwald | 1696 | 1911 | 1885 |
Tundergarth | 1791 | 1873 | 416 |
Tynron | 1753 | 1854 | 576 |
Wamphray | 1751 | 1854 | 346 |