Lincolnshire parish records
About the Lincolnshire parish records
Browse baptisms, marriages and burials from Church of England parish churches in Lincolnshire. The baptism and burial records cover the period 1538-1911 and the marriage records cover 1538-1837.
You can browse these images by parish, event and year range.
What can these records tell me about my ancestors?
The Lincolnshire parish records will give you a combination of the following information about your ancestors:
- Baptisms
- Child's name
- Mother's name
- Father's name
- Father's occupation
- Place of residence
- Date of baptism
- Date of birth
- Place of baptism
- Marriages
- Couple's names
- Marital status
- Place of residence
- Date of marriage
- Place of marriage
- Witnesses
- Burials
- Name
- Age at death
- Place of residence
- Date of burial
- Place of burial
How to browse the Lincolnshire parish records
Start your search by selecting a parish. The available events and year ranges for that parish will then automatically populate and can be selected using the dropdowns.
When you have selected a parish, event and year range, click the 'Search' button and you will be shown a list of all the images for that particular volume, numbered sequentially. Click 'View' to open an image.
Note that many earlier parish registers include two or more event types – these may be shown in the dropdown list as composite, or described more specifically as, for example, baptisms and burials. You should consider the composite registers if no year range is shown for the particular event type you are looking for.