Norfolk Monumental Inscriptions 1600-1900's Image Browse

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Browse through monumental inscriptions captured from 260 parishes across Norfolk. A monumental inscription can reveal your ancestor’s residence, death date, age at death, and burial location. The images are provided by FamilySearch.

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What can these records tell me?

Each volume of monumental inscriptions will give you a copy of all the details found on the original memorial. Monumental inscriptions can provide your ancestor’s name, residence, death date, and age at the time of death, as well as the names of other family members such as parents, spouse, or children. In some cases, the exact location of the memorial within the churchyard or cemetery will be noted. Most parishes hold memorials dedicated to those who died during the First World War. War memorials will provide your ancestor’s rank and regiment and, in some cases, where your ancestor died.

Search the collection by parish and select the relevant volume. Then use the arrows at either side of the images to browse through the volume or use the image counter and input an image number to jump through the volume.

The first pages within a volume may provide a description of the cemetery or churchyard, a map of the cemetery, and a key for any abbreviations.

The images in this collection are provided by FamilySearch.