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Search through almost 2 million baptism records from Lincolnshire. You can discover the names of your ancestor’s parents, learn where and when your ancestor was baptised, and view the original baptismal register.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record will provide an image of the original register held at the Lincolnshire Archives and a transcript. The details in each record will vary depending on the age and condition of the record. Later records will uncover more information about your ancestors. Below is a list of the details found in most transcripts.

  • Name
  • Sex
  • Birth year
  • Baptism date
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name

Discover more about these records

From 1538, parishes were required to record all vital life events in a single bound volume. These early registers can help you to reconstruct the lives of your English ancestors centuries before the beginning of civil registration. In 1812, all vital events were required by law to be recorded in separate standardised volumes. The Lincolnshire baptisms are held by the Lincolnshire Archives.

The Romans first settled Lincolnshire in 50 AD. They built a key highway connecting Lincoln to York. In 1068, William the Conqueror built Lincoln Castle and Lincoln Cathedral on the same site of the original Roman settlement. In 1300, Lincoln Cathedral was considered the tallest building in the world due to its large spires; however, in 1549 the spires collapsed during a storm and they were never reconstructed. In the records, you can find the name of some of Lincolnshire’s remarkable natives including Sir Isaac Newton and Edward Chad Varah, the founder of the Samaritans.

The record shows that Sir Isaac Newton was baptised in January 1642. However, Newton was baptised in January 1643. If you look at the parish register, you can see that the registrar who recorded the event, did not note the change in year from 1642 to 1643 between December and January. Therefore, initially, it looks as if Newton was baptised in 1642. This is a clear example of why it is important to search for years around your ancestor’s known year of birth, marriage, or death because the records can contain errors. The same register shows the death record of Newton’s father who died only months before his son’s birth. Sir Isaac Newton is known as one of the world’s greatest scientists. He was a physicist and a mathematician. He is most well-known for his law of gravitation.

In the records, you can also find Edward Chad Varah, born on 12 November 1911 and baptised on 26 November 1911 in Baron on Humber. His parents were William Edward and Mary. Varah became a deacon in 1935 and then a vicar in 1942. He is most well-known for founding the Samaritans in 1953. The Samaritans is an organisation which aims to befriend those who are suicidal or despairing. He was inspired to start the charity after a young girl in his parish committed suicide. Today, there are over 200 branches around the UK and Ireland providing emotional support for people in need. Reverend Prebendary Chad Varah died at the age of 95 in November 2007.