New York Baptisms 1660-1862

Search New York Baptisms 1660-1862

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Do you have ancestors that were baptised in Long Island, Staten Island, or Kingston, New York, between 1660 and 1862?

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

These records are comprised of over 15,000 transcripts. The amount of available information varies transcript to transcript. But you may be able to uncover the following information about your ancestor:

  • Full name
  • Year
  • Birth date
  • Birthplace
  • Baptism date
  • Church
  • Residence
  • Father’s first name(s)
  • Father’s last name
  • Mother’s first name(s)
  • Mother’s maiden name
  • Occupation, which almost always refers to the father’s occupation

Discover more about these records

There are five places represented within these records:

  • Episcopal Church, Jamaica, Long Island – Jamaica Long Island Grace Church, whose first building was constructed in 1699, is the second oldest Episcopal Church in New York. Grace Church was established in 1702. The church building in use today dates back to 1862 and is an example of American Gothic architecture. The building itself was made an historic landmark in 1967.
  • Kingston – Kingston Dutch Church, organized in 1659, was located in Wiltwyck, a Dutch Colonial village, which became Kingston after the British conquered New Netherland and renamed it New York. Kingston became the first capital of the state of New York in 1777. During the American Revolution, in 1777, British forces burned the church, which was associated with the patriotic cause for independence. George Washington, in 1782, visited the church and wrote a letter of appreciation for his reception there, which is currently on display in the church.
  • Success, Long Island – Success Long Island Dutch Church. This village, more commonly known as Lake Success after the nearby lake of the same name, has been incorporated into North Hempstead, which is one of three towns in Nassau County in Long Island. Long Island, which lies east-northeast off New York Harbor, is divided into four counties, two of which make up the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The eastern counties of Nassau and Suffolk are colloquially referred to as “Long Island” or “the island.”
  • Newtown, Long Island, now known as Elmhurst, is a neighborhood in Queens on Long Island. When the Dutch first established it in 1652, it was a suburb of New Netherland and was called Middenburgh. The British assumed control of New Netherland in 1664 and renamed Middenburgh New Town. In the late 1800s, the residents of Newtown renamed their town Elmhurst, as the area was heavily populated with elm trees.
  • Staten Island – Staten Island, one of the five boroughs of New York City, is the southernmost part of New York and the least populated borough of New York City.