Search Westmorland Burials

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Do you have ancestors from Westmorland? Search this collection of burial records to find out details such as burial date, place of burial and residence.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript and original index image of the record. While the amount of detail will vary most will include a combination of the following details:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Burial year
  • Burial date
  • Place
  • Residence
  • Archive
  • Register title
  • Volume reference
  • Page

Discover more about these records

The majority of these records have been provided by Family Search.

A small collection of burial records have been provided by the College of Arms. The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and New Zealand.

Westmorland is a historic county in the North West of England, it is bounded on the north and west by Cumberland, on the southwest and south east by Lancashire and on the east by Yorkshire, and on the northeast by Durham.

From the 1889 Westmorland was an administrative county, after 1974 the county was then administered by the new administrative county of Cumbria.

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