1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census

Search 1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census

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    The 1841 census is the first modern UK census to record the details of every person and household in Britain, and the earliest census that has survived in its entirety. Search for your ancestors and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time - their age, occupation, where they lived, who they lived with, their marital status and much more besides.

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    What can these records tell me?

    Census returns can not only help us determine who our ancestors were, but they can also tell us

    • Where your ancestors were living
    • Who they were living with
    • What their occupations were
    • If they had any servants
    • Who their neighbours were
    • If they had any brothers and sisters
    • What their ages were at the time of the census

    As well as giving us the above information, the fact that census returns are taken every ten years also allows us to track the movements of our ancestors through time as they perhaps move house, get married, have children or even change occupations.

    The fields which have been transcribed for the 1841 census on findmypast are:

    • First name
    • Middle name
    • Last name
    • Sex
    • Birth place
    • Age
    • Place of residence
    • County

    As well as searching for a person, you can also search the 1841 census by address - ideal for tracing your house history or exploring the local history of an area.

    By noting how many households there were in a building and whether the household included servants or boarders or visitors, you can gain insight into the social circumstances of the family.

    Discover more about the 1841 census

    The 1841 census was the first modern census, when the first Registrar General of England and Wales was made responsible for organising the count.

    The 1841 census was taken on the night of 6 June 1841 and gave the total population as 18,553,124.

    The task of counting was passed to local officers of the newly created registration service. This is the earliest census that has survived in its entirety: few of the 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831 censuses have survived the ravages of time.

    1841 was the first time that the head of each household was given a form to fill in on behalf of everyone in the dwelling on a set day. This system still forms the basis of the method used today.

    Note: In the 1841 Census a policy of rounding down ages was in place. As such, people aged:

    • 15-19 were recorded as 15
    • 20-24 were recorded as 20
    • 25-29 were recorded as 25
    • 30-34 were recorded as 30
    • 35-39 were recorded as 35...and so on

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