Scotland, Forfarshire (angus), Dundee Poor Relief Assessments 1822-1839

Search Scotland, Forfarshire (Angus), Dundee Poor Relief Assessments 1822-1839

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Discover your Scottish ancestry by searching these rare poor relief assessment lists from the parish of Dundee. The records include assessment lists from 1822-1823, 1826-1833, 1836-1837, and 1839.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each result will provide a transcript and an image of the printed assessment lists. The transcripts will provide the following facts.

  • Name
  • Assessment year
  • Occupation
  • Residence
  • Place and county
  • Additional information

The images will also tell you the amount he/she could contribute to the poor funds.

Discover more about these records

These records were transcribed from the assessments of the inhabitants of the parish of Dundee, created between 1822 and 1839. There are eleven volumes all together; therefore, your ancestor’s name might be repeated. Before 1845, responsibility for the relief and support of the poor fell to the parish and the kirk sessions. The assessments provided the amounts a person could contribute to poor funds.

These lists were originally printed by Alex Colville, at the Courier Office and have since been digitized by Google.

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