Scotland, Midlothian, Roslin Communion Rolls 1829-1855

Search Scotland, Midlothian, Roslin Communion Rolls 1829-1855

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Discover your Scottish ancestors. These records cover Communion Rolls in the parish of Roslin, Midlothian from 1829 to 1855.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

With each record, you will find a transcript of the Communion Roll. The transcripts will include the following information about your ancestor:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Year
  • Residence
  • Church
  • Parish
  • County

The records have been sourced from The Scottish Genealogy Society.

Discover more about these records

The Scottish Genealogy Society has created this index for the Roslin Communion Rolls 1829-1855.

Communion Rolls are list of parishioners who attended communion. In preparation for receiving this sacrament, the Kirk Session would hand out communion tokens to the communicant recipients. Without these tokens, parishioners were unable to participate in the sacrament. Occasionally records were kept of the distribution of the tokens however, more commonly it was the attendance of the communion that was recorded. These records are referred to as Communion Rolls.

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