East India Register & Army List 1855

Search East India Company Pensions 1793-1833

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Do you have ancestors’ who worked for the East India Company? Explore these pension records from 1793 to 1833. Find out their rank or station, when the pension was granted, rate and source of annual pension, the period the pension was granted and the grounds on which the pension was granted.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript and original image. The information contained in the records varies however you may be able to find out a combination of the following:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Year
  • Occupation


  • Rank or station
  • Duration of pension given
  • Rate
  • Source of annual pension
  • Grounds on which pension was given

Discover more about these records

The East India Company Pensions 1793-1833 are a source for when pensions were given and the reasons for which pension was given to the person.

The East India Company was formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India, incorporated by royal charter on the 31 December 1600.

The company started as a monopolistic trading body so that England could participate in the East Indian spice trade. It also traded cotton, silk, indigo, saltpeter, and tea and transported slaves. From the early 18th century to the mid-19th century, they became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India. From the late 18th century it gradually lost both commercial and political control. In 1873 it ceased to exist as a legal entity.

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