Medical Register 1913

Search Medical Register 1913

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Discover if your ancestor was a doctor in Britain at the turn of the twentieth century with the Medical Register for 1913. Search more than 41,000 names listed by the General Medical Council.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record contains an image and a transcript of the original record. The amount of information varies but you can find out the following about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date first registered
  • Qualifications

There is considerably more information available on the image so please do make sure you check this as well.

Discover more about the Medical Register

There are 41,459 doctors listed in the 1913 Medical Register from all over Britain.

The Medical Register was first published in 1859 as a result of the Medical Act of the previous year. The act was seeking to abolish “quacks” and charlatans, unlicensed practitioners of medicine who did not have the proper qualification for the job.

The Medical Register was published by the General Medical Council which was also set up as a result of the act. The regulatory body of the medical profession has the ability to revoke a licence to practise at any time if it believes that one of it’s professionals is unfit to perform their duties or has been doing so in an inappropriate fashion. Being struck from the Medical Register prevents a doctor from practising – the famous being “struck off”.

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