Scotland, University of Edinburgh Graduations 1583-1858

Search Scotland, University Of Edinburgh Graduations 1583-1858

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Did any of your ancestors attend the University of Edinburgh? Discover details of their graduation in this collection of records which covers nearly 300 years.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record is available in a PDF format. Use the previous and next buttons at the top of the page to browse through the publication. The PDF search experience can be different from searching transcribed records. Use our search tips below to get the most out of this collection.

The records include the following information:

  • Name
  • Name of Regent or Professor under who course was completed
  • Date of graduation

To the left of the PDF, you will find the Transcription Box, which includes:

  • Title – the title of the publication
  • Place
  • Country
  • Image number
  • Total images

Image number and total images – this will tell you where you are in the publication and help you to explore the publication further.

Discover more about these records

The University of Edinburgh is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland's ancient universities.

Covering nearly 300 years, these are records of the names of graduates in the faculties of arts, divinity, and law since the foundation of the university in 1583.

The university is situated in the heart of Edinburgh with many of the buildings in the historic Old Town belonging to the university.