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In association with The National Archives, Findmypast is excited to present its Prisoners of war collection. The records are diverse and varied and comprise original source material provided by The National Archives, as well as transcript only records from other sources. The size and the scope of these records make them a fascinating resource for genealogists. The records not only include military personnel but also civilians, diplomats, missionaries and merchant seamen. You can find search tips and more details about the records below.
In association with The National Archives, Findmypast has digitised and transcribed this collection. For each record, you can view an image of the original document and a transcription of the information found in the document. Within the collection, there are a small number of records which only provide a transcript. These records were contributed by the Naval and Military Press and Brian Sims. You will also find First World War records from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Each record will provide a copyright statement or archive field which denotes its origin.
The amount of information in each record can vary depending on the type of document and the amount of detail recorded at the time of the event. You may or may not find some of the following information:
Many only include surnames. We recommend that you start your search with only a surname. In some records a title may be included in the first name, such as Herr or Freiherr.
The nature of these records varies greatly. In some, you will find lists of the names of prisoners; in others you will find detailed records of daily life of the prisoners including physical descriptions of your ancestors.
By viewing the original document you can reveal even more about your ancestor. The image will also help you to put the information into a wider context and understand why your ancestor’s name was recorded. Because of the diversity of the documents, you may find more than one record for an ancestor.
Use the arrows to the right and the left of the screen to browse through the rest of the document and discover more. All images are reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England.
This collection of records from The National Archives includes papers from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office, Admiralty and Air Force. The records include the names of thousands of prisoners from nations around the world. This is not a comprehensive list of every prisoner of war. There are additional transcript only records available in this collection from Naval and Military Press and transcripts created by Brian Sims.
Through the records you can gain insight into the experience of a prisoner of war. Some volumes include inspection reports of prison camps, which describe the buildings, provisions and equipment in detail.
Every branch of the military is represented – army, navy and air force. There are thousands of records of seamen being detained and records of whole crews of ships being held. Civilians and even missionaries, priests, nuns and friars can be found.
Prisoner of war
A Prisoner of war (POW) is either a combatant – or in many cases a non-combatant – who is captured or interned by a belligerent power. The prisoners remained very much a part of the war or conflict. They were used for propaganda, exploited for labour and in the past treated as the property of the enemy. Our current understanding of a prisoner of war is modern. In early wars, those captured were either killed or enslaved; the tradition of enslavement began to decline in the Middle Ages. It was not until the 18th century that new attitudes of morality and international law came forward and a person captured was no longer considered property.
The first declaration related to the treatment of POWs was in 1874, but it was not ratified. It would not be until 33 years later at the Hague Convention that western countries agreed on rules of conduct. During the First World War, the number of prisoners reached the millions and many nations violated these rules of conduct. After the war, in 1929 at the Geneva Convention in Switzerland, another declaration about the treatment of prisoners was signed by France, Germany, Great Britain, United States and others, but did not include the Soviet Union or Japan. The agreement was further ratified again after the Second World War in 1949.
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
ADM 103/1 Antigua. French prisoners of war, 1793-1798.
ADM 103/10 "Ave Princess" (ship). Various nationalities, 1810-1812.
ADM 103/102 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1815.
ADM 103/103 Deal, Dover, Harwich, North Shields, Pembroke and Yarmouth. Register of French prisoners of war, 1796-1798.
ADM 103/105 Deal. French prisoners of war, 1801.
ADM 103/108 "Eagle" (ship). Dutch prisoners of war, 1800.
ADM 103/109 Register of French POWs, Eagle and Bristol (ships), 1796-1800.
ADM 103/11 "Ave Princess" (ship). Various nationalities, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/111 Edinburgh (and Greenock). prisoners of war, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/112 Register of French POWs, Edinburgh and Greenock, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/114 Edinburgh (and Greenock). French prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/115 Register of POWs, Edinburgh, 1803-1812.
ADM 103/116 Register of French and Danish POWs, Edinburgh, 1811-1813
ADM 103/117 Edinburgh. Various Nationalities. Includes prisoners at Edinburgh Castle, Greenlaw
and Esk Mills. Also includes registers of sick French and American prisoners, or prisoners employed to tend them. 1811-1813.
ADM 103/118 "El Firme" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1807-1810.
ADM 103/12 "Bahama" (ship). Various nationalities, 1805-1809.
ADM 103/120 Register of French POWs, El Firme (ship), 1807-1812.
ADM 103/122 "El Firme" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1809-1813.
ADM 103/123 Register of French POWs, El Firme (ship), 1814.
ADM 103/125 "Europa" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1803-1810.
ADM 103/126 "Europa" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/129 "Farne" (ship). Register of French prisoners of war, 1797-1800.
ADM 103/13 Barbados. American prisoners of war, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/130 Register of French POWs, Farne (ship), 1797-1801.
ADM 103/134 part 1 Brest, Dinan, Fougeres, La Rochelle and Saumur. British and Danish prisoners of war, 1779-1781.
ADM 103/134 part 2 Brest, Dinan, Fougeres, La Rochelle and Saumur. British and Danish prisoners of war, 1779-1781.
ADM 103/134 part 3 Register of British and Danish POWs, Brest, Dinan, Fougeres, La Rochelle and Saumur, 1779-1781.
ADM 103/134 part 4 Register of British and Danish POWs, Brest, Dinan, Fougeres, La Rochelle and Saumur, 1779-1781.
ADM 103/136 "Ganges" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1811-1813.
ADM 103/14 Barbados. American, prisoners of war. Sick prisoners. 1812-1815.
ADM 103/140 Register of Dutch POWs, Genereux (ship), 1805-1809.
ADM 103/141 Register of Dutch POWs, Genereux (ship), 1805-1812.
ADM 103/142 "Genereux" (Ship). Dutch prisoners, 1809-1811.
ADM 103/143 "Genereux" (ship). Dutch prisoners of war, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/146 Register of French POWs, Gibraltar, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/149 "Glory" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1809-1812.
ADM 103/15 Barbadoes. Danish prisoners, 1808.
ADM 103/150 "Glory" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/154 Register of Dutch POWs, Greenlaw, 1803-1804.
ADM 103/155 Register of French POWs, Greenlaw, 1803-1809.
ADM 103/156 Register of French POWs, Greenlaw, 1810.
ADM 103/158 Register of Spanish POWs, Greenlaw, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/159 Register of POWs, various nationalities, Greenock, 1805.
ADM 103/16 Barbados. Dutch and French prisoners of war, 1803.
ADM 103/160 Register of POWs, various nationalities, Grenada, 1807-1809.
ADM 103/164 Guildford. Register of prisoners of war, various nationalities, 1808-1811.
ADM 103/162 Register of POWs, various nationalities, Guernsey, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/165 Register of POWs, Guildford, 1806-1811.
ADM 103/166 Register of Russian POWs, Guildford, 1807-1814.
ADM 103/167 Register of American POWs, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1812-1814.
ADM 103/17 Barbados. Dutch prisoners of war, 1803.
ADM 103/170 Register of American POWs, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/171 Halifax (Nova Scotia). Register of prisoners of war and prisoner exchanges, various nationalities, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/172 Register of Dutch and Spanish POWs, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1805-1808.
ADM 103/175 Register of POWs, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1805-1814.
ADM 103/177 "Hector" (ship). American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/178 "Hector" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1806-1811.
ADM 103/179 Register of French POWs, Hector (ship), 1806-1813.
ADM 103/18 Barbados. Dutch prisoners of war, 1803.
ADM 103/180 "Hector" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1807-1811.
ADM 103/181 "Hector" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/182 "Hector" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/183 Register of French POWs, Hero and Bristol (ships), 1794-1796.
ADM 103/184 Register of French POWs, Hero and Bristol (ships), 1794-1801.
ADM 103/185 Register of French POWs, Hero and Vryheid (ships), 1798-1802.
ADM 103/187 Register of French POWs, Hero and Sandwich (ships), 1801-1802.
ADM 103/189 "Irresistible" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/19 Barbados. French prisoners of war, 1793-1802.
ADM 103/190 Jamaica, Register of American prisoners of war, 1812-1818.
ADM 103/194 Register of French POWs, Jamaica, 1803.
ADM 103/196 Register of French POWs, Jamaica, 1803-1804.
ADM 103/2 Antigua and Grenada. French prisoners of war, 1803-1806.
ADM 103/20 Barbados. French prisoners of war. Soldiers. 1799-1801.
ADM 103/201 Register of French and Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1806-1809.
ADM 103/202 Register of French and Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1807-1809.
ADM 103/203 Register of Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1796-1798.
ADM 103/204 Register of Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/205 Register of Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/206 Jamaica. Register of Spanish prisoners of war, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/207 Register of Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1806.
ADM 103/208 Register of Spanish POWs, Jamaica, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/209 Register of POWs in Hospital, Jamaica, 1804-1805.
ADM 103/21 Register of French POWs, Barbados, 1804-1808.
ADM 103/210 Register of POWs in Hospital, Jamaica, 1804-1806.
ADM 103/211 Jamaica. Register of prisoners of war, hospital, various nationalities, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/212 Register of POWs in Hospital, Jamaica, 1813-1815.
ADM 103/213 Register of French POWs, Kinsale, 1793-1797.
ADM 103/214 Register of French POWs, Kinsale, 1797-1798.
ADM 103/215 "Kron Princessa" (ship). Various nationalities, 1812.
ADM 103/216 "Kron Prinds" (ship). Various nationalities, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/217 Kron Prinds. Various nationalities, 1805-1811.
ADM 103/218 "Kron Prinds" (ship). Various nationalities, 1811-1813.
ADM 103/219 Register of Spanish POWs, Le Pegase (ship), 1799-1800.
ADM 103/22 Barbados. Register of French prisoners of war, 1808-1815.
ADM 103/220 Register of Spanish POWs, Le Pegase (ship), 1799-1802.
ADM 103/221 Register of French POWs, Liverpool, 1793-1800.
ADM 103/222 Register of French POWs, Liverpool, 1800-1801.
ADM 103/223 Register of POWs, Liverpool, 1798-1800.
ADM 103/224 Register of POWs, Liverpool, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/225 Register of French POWs, Madeira, 1809.
ADM 103/226 Register of American POWs, Malta, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/227 Register of French POWs, Malta, 1803-1806.
ADM 103/228 Register of French POWs, Malta, 1806-1809.
ADM 103/229 Register of French POWs, Malta, 1809-1811.
ADM 103/230 Register of French POWs, Malta, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/231 Register of French POWs, Malta, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/232 Register of Greek POWs, Malta, 1803-1808.
ADM 103/233 Register of Spanish POWs, Malta, 1804.
ADM 103/234 Register of Spanish POWs, Malta, 1804-1808.
ADM 103/235 "Marengo" (ship). Various nationalities, 1809-1810.
ADM 103/236 "Marengo" (ship). Various nationalities, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/237 Register of French POWs, Martinique, 1809.
ADM 103/238 Register of French POWs, Martinique, 1809-1815.
ADM 103/239 Register of POWs, Martinique Hospital, 1809.
ADM 103/24 Barbados. Spanish prisoners of war, 1805-1808.
ADM 103/240 Register of POWs, Martinique Hospital, 1809-1814.
ADM 103/241 Register of POWs, Melville Island Hospital, 1813-1815.
ADM 103/242 Register of Spanish POWs, Montevideo, 1807.
ADM 103/243 "Nassau" (ship). American prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/244 "Nassau" (ship). American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/245 "Neptune" (ship). Various nationalities, 1814.
ADM 103/246 Register of American POWs, Newfoundland, 1812.
ADM 103/247 Register of French POWs, Newfoundland, 1803.
ADM 103/248 Register of American POWs, New Providence, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/249 Register of French POWs, New Providence, 1804-1813.
ADM 103/25 Register of French POWs, Bath, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/250 Register of Dutch POWs, Norman Cross, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/251 Register of Dutch POWs, Norman Cross, 1803-1804.
ADM 103/252 Register of Dutch POWs, Norman Cross, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/253 Norman Cross. Register of Dutch prisoners of war, c1797-c1806.
ADM 103/254 Register of French POWs, Norman Cross, 1797.
ADM 103/255 Register of French POWs, Norman, 1797-1800.
ADM 103/256 Register of French POWs, Norman (soldiers), 1800-1801.
ADM 103/257 Register of French POWs, Norman (soldiers), 1800-1802.
ADM 103/258 Norman (Soldiers). French prisoners of war, 1803-1806.
ADM 103/259 Norman Cross. French prisoners of war. Largely duplicates ADM 103/407, 1806-1811.
ADM 103/26 Register of American POWs, Bermuda, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/260 Register of French POWs, Norman Cross, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/261 Register of French POWs, Oiseau (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/262 Register of POWs, Panther (ship), 1808-1811.
ADM 103/263 Register of French POWs, Perth, 1812.
ADM 103/264 Perth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/265 Perth. French prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/266 Perth. French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/267 Register of POWs, Perth, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/268 Plymouth. American prisoners, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/269 Plymouth. American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/27 Bermuda. American prisoners of war, 1815.
ADM 103/270 Unpublished finding aid - TNA reading room (red list for ADM 103).
ADM 103/271 Plymouth. Danish prisoners of war, 1807-1812.
ADM 103/272 Register of Dutch POWs, Plymouth, 1795-1797.
ADM 103/273 Register of Dutch POWs, Plymouth, 1803-1808.
ADM 103/274 Plymouth. Register of Dutch prisoners of war, 1803-1808.
ADM 103/275 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1793-1795.
ADM 103/276 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1795-1796.
ADM 103/277 Register of French Soldier POWs, Plymouth, 1797.
ADM 103/278 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1797-1798.
ADM 103/279 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1798-1800.
ADM 103/280 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1800-1802.
ADM 103/281 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1803-1804.
ADM 103/282 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1804-1805.
ADM 103/283 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1805.
ADM 103/284 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/285 Register of French POWs, Plymouth, 1806.
ADM 103/286 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1806-1807.
ADM 103/287 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/288 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1808-1809.
ADM 103/289 Plymouth. French prisoners, 1809.
ADM 103/290 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/291 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/292 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/293 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1809-1810.
ADM 103/294 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1810.
ADM 103/295 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/296 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/298 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/299 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/3 Antigua and Barbados. French prisoners of war, 1803-1808.
ADM 103/30 Bermuda. Various nationalities, 1808-1814.
ADM 103/300 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/301 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/302 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/303 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/304 Plymouth. Register of French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/305 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/306 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/307 French prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/308 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/309 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/31 Register of POWs in Hospital, Bermuda, 1814-1815.
ADM 103/310 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/311 Plymouth. French prisoners of war, 1815.
ADM 103/312 Register of Prussian POWs, Plymouth, 1806.
ADM 103/313 Register of Spanish POWs, Plymouth, 1805.
ADM 103/314 Register of Spanish POWs, Plymouth, 1805-1808.
ADM 103/315 Register of Dutch POWs, Porchester, 1795-1798.
ADM 103/316 Register of Dutch POWs, Porchester, 1796-1798.
ADM 103/317 Register of Dutch POWs, Porchester, 1799-1801.
ADM 103/318 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1794.
ADM 103/319 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1794-1795.
ADM 103/32 Register of French POWs, Bienfaisant (ship), 1803-1811.
ADM 103/320 Portsmouth. French prisoners, 1794-1797.
ADM 103/321 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1794-1797.
ADM 103/322 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1794-1799.
ADM 103/323 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1795-1796.
ADM 103/324 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1797-1798.
ADM 103/325 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/326 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1798-1799.
ADM 103/327 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1799.
ADM 103/328 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1799.
ADM 103/329 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1800.
ADM 103/33 "Bienfaisant" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1804-1814.
ADM 103/330 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1800.
ADM 103/331 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1800-1801.
ADM 103/332 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1801-1802.
ADM 103/333 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1810.
ADM 103/334 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1810.
ADM 103/335 Porchester. French prisoners of war, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/337 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/337 part 1 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/338 Register of French POWs, Porchester, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/339 Register of Spanish POWs, Porchester, 1796-1799.
ADM 103/34 "Bienfaisant" (Ship). French prisoners, 1807-1813.
ADM 103/341 Register of French POWs, Portland and Royal Oak (ships), 1797-1802.
ADM 103/342 Portsmouth. American prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/343 Unpublished finding aid - TNA reading room (red list for ADM 103).
ADM 103/344 Register of Danish POWs, Portsmouth, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/345 Register of Dutch POWs, Portsmouth, 1803-1807.
ADM 103/346 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1803-1805.
ADM 103/347 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/348 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1806.
ADM 103/349 Portsmouth (Forton). French prisoners of war, 1806.
ADM 103/350 Portsmouth (Forton). Register of French prisoners of war, 1806.
ADM 103/351 Portsmouth (Forton). French prisoners of war, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/352 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1808-1809.
ADM 103/353 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/354 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/355 Portsmouth (Forton). French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/356 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1809-1810.
ADM 103/357 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1810.
ADM 103/358 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1810.
ADM 103/359 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/36 "Bravo" (ship). Danish and French prisoners of war, 1808-1812.
ADM 103/360 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/361 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/362 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1812.
ADM 103/363 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1812.
ADM 103/364 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/365 Portsmouth (Forton). Register of French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/366 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/367 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1813.
ADM 103/368 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth (Forton), 1813.
ADM 103/369 Portsmouth. French prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/37 Register of Danish POWs, Bravo (ship), 1808-1811.
ADM 103/370 Register of French POWs, Portsmouth, 1814.
ADM 103/371 Portsmouth. Russian prisoners of war, 1806.
ADM 103/372 Register of Russian POWs, Portsmouth, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/374 Register of Spanish POWs, Portsmouth, 1805-1806.
ADM 103/375 Portsmouth. Spanish prisoners, 1806-1807.
ADM 103/376 Register of Danish POWs, Prothée (ship), 1807-1813.
ADM 103/377 Register of French POWs, Prothée (ship), 1797-1800.
ADM 103/378 Register of French POWs, Prothée (ship), 1797-1801.
ADM 103/379 "Prothée" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1809-1813.
ADM 103/380 "Prothée" (ship), French prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/381 Register of French POWs, Prudente, Bienfaisant and Europa (ships), 1794-1798.
ADM 103/382 Quebec. Register of American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/383 Register of French POWs, Royal Oak (ship), 1797-1800.
ADM 103/384 "St Antoine" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1808-1812.
ADM 103/385 Register of German and Italian POWs, St Antoine (ship), 1813.
ADM 103/386 Register of German and Italian POWs, St Antoine (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/387 St Antoine (ship). Spanish prisoners of war, 1808-1811.
ADM 103/388 Register of Dutch and French POWs, St Damaso (ship), 1798-1801.
ADM 103/389 Register of Dutch and French POWs, St Damaso (ship), 1789-1802.
ADM 103/39 "Bravo" (ship). Danish prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/390 "St. Damazo" (Ship). French prisoners, 1808-1809.
ADM 103/391 Register of French POWs, St Damaso (ship), 1809-1813
ADM 103/392 Register of French POWs, St Damaso (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/393 Register of French POWs, St George (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/394 Register of French POWs, St George (ship), 1814.
ADM 103/395 "St Isidoro" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1805-1811.
ADM 103/396 "St Isidoro" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/397 "St Isidoro" (ship), French prisoners of war, 1812.
ADM 103/398 "St Isidoro" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/399 Register of French POWs, St Isidoro (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/4 Antigua. Spanish prisoners of war, 1804-1809.
ADM 103/40 Register of Spanish POWs, Bristol, 1779-1783.
ADM 103/400 "St Nicholas" (ship), French prisoners of war, 1809-1811.
ADM 103/401 "St Nicholas" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/402 Register of French POWs, St Nicholas (ship), 1811-1814
ADM 103/403 Register of Dutch POWs, Sampson (ship), 1808
ADM 103/404 Register of French POWs, Sampson (ship), 1813.
ADM 103/405 Register of Dutch POWs, Sandwich (ship), 1797-1801.
ADM 103/406 Register of French POWs, Sandwich (ship), 1798-1802.
ADM 103/407 Register of French POWs, Norman Cross, 1806-1811.
ADM 103/408 " Sophia Frederica" (ship), French prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/409 Stapleton. American prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/410 Register of Dutch and Russian POWs, Stapleton, 1803-1810.
ADM 103/411 Register of French POWs, Stapleton, 1793-1800.
ADM 103/412 Register of French POWs, Stapleton, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/413 Register of French POWs, Stapleton, 1800-1801.
ADM 103/414 Stapleton. French prisoners of war, 1803-1805.
ADM 103/415 Stapleton. French prisoners of war, 1805-1807.
ADM 103/416 Register of French POWs, Stapleton, 1805-1811.
ADM 103/417 Stapleton. French prisoners of war, 1807-1811.
ADM 103/418 Stapleton, French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/419 Stapleton, Spanish prisoners of war, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/42 Bristol, French prisoners of war, 1797-1798.
ADM 103/420 Various nationalities, prisoners of war, 1793-1814.
ADM 103/421 "Suffolk" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1806-1809.
ADM 103/422 Register of French POWs, Suffolk (ship), 1809-1813.
ADM 103/424 Register of French POWs, Suffolk (ship), 1813.
ADM 103/423 "Suffolk" (ship), French prisoners of war, 1809-1814.
ADM 103/425 Register of French POWs, Sultan (ship), 1797-1799.
ADM 103/426 Register of POWs, Sultan (ship), 1798-1800.
ADM 103/427 Register of POWs, Sultan (ship), 1797-1802.
ADM 103/428 Register of POWs, Sultan (ship) and Guildford, 1797-1802.
ADM 103/429 Temeraire (ship). Danish prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/43 Bristol (ship). Dutch prisoners of war registers, 1795-1800.
ADM 103/430 Register of French POWs, Temeraire (ship), 1813.
ADM 103/431 Register of French POWs, Temeraire (ship), 1813-1814.
ADM 103/432 Valleyfield. French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/433 Valleyfield. French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/434 Valleyfield. French prisoners of war, 1811.
ADM 103/435 Valleyfield. French prisoners of war, 1811-1813.
ADM 103/436 Register of French POWs, Valleyfield, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/437 Register of French POWs, Vanguard (ship), 1813-1813.
ADM 103/438 Register of French POWs, Vanguard (ship), 1813.
ADM 103/439 "Vengeance" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1806-1812.
ADM 103/44 "Brunswick" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/440 "Vengeance" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/441 Register of British Pows, Verdun, Tours and Tangiers, 1806.
ADM 103/442 Reigster of French POWs, Veteran (ship), 1806-1812.
ADM 103/443 Reigster of French POWs, Veteran (ship), 1812-1814.
ADM 103/444 "Vigilant" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1796-1799.
ADM 103/445 Register of French POWs, Vigilant (ship), 1796-1801.
ADM 103/446 "Vigilant" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1806-1808.
ADM 103/447 "Vigilant" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1807-1811.
ADM 103/448 "Vigilant" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/449 "Vryheid" (ship). Dutch prisoners of war, 1798.
ADM 103/45 Camperdown (ship). French prisoners of war, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/450 "Vryheid" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/451 "Vryheid" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/452 Register of French POWs, Vryheid (ship), 1798-1801.
ADM 103/453 "Walderemar" (ship). Various nationalities, 1807-1811.
ADM 103/454 Register of POWs, Waldemar (ship), 1812-1814.
ADM 103/455 Register of Danish POWS, Yarmouth, 1806-1809.
ADM 103/456 Register of Danish POWs, Yarmouth, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/457 Register of Danish POWs, Yarmouth, 1809-1813.
ADM 103/458 Register of Dutch POWs, Yarmouth, 1796-1800.
ADM 103/459 Register of Dutch POWs, Yarmouth, 1803-1809.
ADM 103/46 "Canada" (ship). Various nationalities, 1810-1812.
ADM 103/460 Register of Dutch POWs, Yarmouth, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/461 Yarmouth. French prisoners of war, 1803-1811.
ADM 103/462 Register of French POWs, Yarmouth, 1809-1814.
ADM 103/463 Register of POWs, Yarmouth, 1793-1798.
ADM 103/464 Register of POWs, Yarmouth, 1800-1801.
ADM 103/465 (part 1) American prisoners, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/465 (part 2) American and British prisoners, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/466 Register of British POWWs, America, 1812.
ADM 103/467 part 1 Register of British POWs Prisons A-G, France, 1787-1820.
ADM 103/467 part 2 Register of British POWs Prisons A-G, France, 1787-1820.
ADM 103/468 part 1 Register of British POWs Prisons L-V, France, 1787-1820.
ADM 103/468 part 2 Register of British POWs Prisons L-V, France, 1787-1820.
ADM 103/469 Register of British POWs, France, 1806.
ADM 103/47 Cape of Good Hope. American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/470 Register of British POWs, France, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/471 Register of British POWs, France, 1809-1813.
ADM 103/472 Register of British POWs, France, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/473 British prisoners in France, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/474 France. British prisoners of war, 1793-1795.
ADM 103/475 Register of Released British POWs, France, 1795.
ADM 103/476 Register of Released British POWs, France, 1798.
ADM 103/477 Register of Released British POWs, France, 1799.
ADM 103/478 France. British prisoners of war, 1800.
ADM 103/479 Register of Released British POWs, France, 1806-1811.
ADM 103/48 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 7 July 1796 -28 Dec 1802.
ADM 103/480 France. British prisoners of war. Released prisoners, 1814-1815.
ADM 103/481 Spain. British prisoners of war. Released prisoners, 1798-1807.
ADM 103/482 Register of Danish and Russian Exchanged Prisoners 1811-1814.
ADM 103/483 Register of Dutch POWs 1796.
ADM 103/484 Register of POWs, East Indies, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/485 Register of French POWs, England, 1804-1810.
ADM 103/486 French prisoners in England, 1810-1814.
ADM 103/487 Register of French POWs, England, 1810-1814.
ADM 103/488 England. French prisoners of war, 1810-1814.
ADM 103/489 Register of Escaped French and American POWs 1812-1813.
ADM 103/49 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 1806-1807.
ADM 103/490 British and French prisoners of war. British prisoners at Lorient issued with 'slops',
1780 (?). French prisoners taken on a Hamburg ship and Prussian Galliot, 1810. British prisoners at
Dinan issued with'slops' 1780. English prisoners returned on the packet 'L'Heureux', 1780. French
prisoners taken by the ship 'Quebec', 1810. British prisoners at Amiens, 1779. British prisoners on
parole at Saumur, 1779. British prisoners on parole at Vitré, 1779.
ADM 103/491 Register of Escaped French POWs 1811-1814.
ADM 103/492 Register of Exchanged French POWs 1780-1797.
ADM 103/493 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1793-1795.
ADM 103/494 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1796-1797.
ADM 103/495 Printed register of French prisoners of war and prisoners released on parole, 1798-1799.
ADM 103/496 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1800-1815.
ADM 103/497 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1800-1815.
ADM 103/499 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1800-1815.
ADM 103/5 Antigua. Spanish prisoners, 1805-1808.
ADM 103/50 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 1806-1807.
ADM 103/500 Register of Released or Exchanged French POWs 1800-1815.
ADM 103/501 Register of British POWs in France: Angers, Quimper, Dunkirk, Evreux, Pontarmezeux, Bordeaux, Carhaix, Nante, Mezieres, Lille, Arras and Valenciennes 1797-1799.
ADM 103/502 Register of French POWs Officers 1755-1760.
ADM 103/503 Register of French POWs Prizes 1796-1810.
ADM 103/504 Register of French POWs Prizes 1811-1814.
ADM 103/505 Register of Released Spanish POWs, 1797.
ADM 103/506 Register of Exchanged POWs, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/508 Various nationalities, prisoners of war, 1757-1758.
ADM 103/509 Register of released POWs 1810-1815.
ADM 103/51 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/510 part 1 Register of POWs, Martinique, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/510 part 2 Register of POWs, Martinique, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/510 part 3 Register of POWs, Martinique, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/510 part 4 Register of POWs, Martinique, 1797-1801.
ADM 103/511 Alphabetical list of American POWs, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/512 Alphabetical List of POWs, Dartmoor, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/513 Alphabetical List of POWs, Dartmoor, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/514 Alphabetical List of POWs, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1755-1831.
ADM 103/516 Alphabetical List of POWs, Perth, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/517 Alphabetical List of POWs Surnames A-I, Plymouth, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/518 Plymouth. Alphabetical list of POWs surnames K-Z, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/519 Plymouth. Alphabetical list of prisoners of war. Surnames A-M, c 1755-c 1831.
ADM 103/52 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 1807-1814.
ADM 103/520 Plymouth. Alphabetical list of POWs surnames N-Z, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/520 part 1 Plymouth. Alphabetical list of POWs surnames N-Z, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/520 part 2 Plymouth. Alphabetical list of POWs surnames N-Z, 1755-1831.
ADM 103/521 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/522 Register of POWs on the Suffolk (ship) and St Damaso (ship) 1755-1831.
ADM 103/523 part 1 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/523 part 2 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/523 part 3 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/523 part 4 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/523 part 5 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/523 part 7 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/524 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/525 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/526 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/526 part 6 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/527 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/528 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/529 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/53 Cape of Good Hope. Various nationalities, 1808-1818.
ADM 103/530 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/531 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/532 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/533 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/534 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/535 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/536 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/537 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/538 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/539 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/54 "Captivity" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1796-1800.
ADM 103/540 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/541 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/542 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/543 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/544 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/545 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/546 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/547 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/548 General alphabetical list of prisoners of war, c1755-c1831.
ADM 103/549 Abergavenny. Register of French prisoners of war and prisoners released on parole, 1812.
ADM 103/55 "Captivity" (ship). French prisoners of war, 1796-1800.
ADM 103/550 Abergavenny. French prisoners of war. Prisoners released on parole, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/551 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Alresford, 1795-1797.
ADM 103/552 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Alresford and Abergavenny, 1809-1812.
ADM 103/553 Register of French POWs released on parole, Andover, 1810-1811.
ADM 103/554 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Ashbourne, 1803-1812.
ADM 103/555 Register of French POWs released on parole, Ashby de la Zouche, 1804-1811.
ADM 103/556 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Ashford, Beccles, Chippenham, Dunmanway, Ormskirk and Tenterden, 1795-1798.
ADM 103/557 Register of Dutch POWs Released on Parole, Ashford, Cork and Hambledon, 1793-1810.
ADM 103/558 Register of French POWs Realesed on Parole, Barbados, 1793-1810.
ADM 103/559 Register of French and Dutch POWs released on parole, Bermuda, 1808-1810.
ADM 103/56 Chatham. American prisoners of war, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/560 Bermuda. French and American prisoners of war. Prisoners released on parole, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/561 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Bishop's Castle, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/562 Register of French and Spanish POWs Released on Parole, Bishop's Waltham, 1803-1811.
ADM 103/563 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Bishop's Waltham and Odiham, 1803-1807.
ADM 103/564 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Brecon, 1806-1812.
ADM 103/565 Register of French POWs released on parole, Bridgenorth, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/566 Register of POWs released for parole, Chatham, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/567 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Chesterfield, 1803-1811.
ADM 103/568 Register of POWs Released on Parole, Crediton and Cupar, 1805-1811.
ADM 103/569 Register of American POWs Released on Parole, Dartmouth, 1813-1815.
ADM 103/57 Chatham. American prisoners of war, 1813.
ADM 103/570 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Greenlaw, 1812.
ADM 103/571 Register of French and American POWs Released on Parole, Halifax (Nova Scotia), 1803-1813.
ADM 103/572 Register of POWs Released on Parole, Hambledon and Ashford, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/573 American POWs released on parole, 1812-1815.
ADM 103/574 French POWs released on parole, 1793-1801.
ADM 103/575 Jamaica. French POWs released on parole, 1803-1804.
ADM 103/576 Jamaica. French parole prisoners, 1804-1806.
ADM 103/577 Register of Spanish POWs Released on Parole, Jamaica, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/578 Jamaica. POWs released on parole surnames, 1796-1798.
ADM 103/579 Reigster of POWs Reeleased on Parole, Jamaica, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/58 Chatham. American prisoners, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/580 Kelso. Register of prisoners of war and prisoners released on parole, various
nationalities, 1810-1812.
ADM 103/581 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Lauder, 1811-1813.
ADM 103/582 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Launceston, 1805-1812.
ADM 103/583 Register of Prussian POWs Released on Parole, Launceston, 1806.
ADM 103/584 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Leek, 1803-1812.
ADM 103/585 Register of POWs Released on Parole, Lichfield and Peebles, 1797-1799.
ADM 103/586 Register of POWs Released on Parole, Callington, Edinburgh, Lichfield, Peebles,
Peterborough and Tenterden, 1795-1800.
ADM 103/587 Reigster of POWs Released on Parole, Lichfield, 1803-1811.
ADM 103/588 Register of French Pows Released on Parole, Llanfyllin, 1812-1813.
ADM 103/589 Register of POWs Released on Parole, Montevideo and Cape of Good Hope, 1807-1814.
ADM 103/59 Chatham. American prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/590 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Montgomery,1805-1811.
ADM 103/591 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Moreton Hampstead, 1807-1814.
ADM 103/592 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Northampton, 1809-1812.
ADM 103/593 Odiham. American prisoners of war. Prisoners released on parole, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/594 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Okehampton and Oswestry, 1809-1812.
ADM 103/595 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Okehampton and Oswestry, 1815.
ADM 103/596 Peeble. Register of French prisoners of war and prisoners released on parole, 1803-
ADM 103/597 Register of Dutch and Other Nationalities POWs Released on Parole, Reading, 1807-1811.
ADM 103/598 Reading. French prisoners of war. Prisoners released on parole, 1805-1812.
ADM 103/599 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Sanquhar, 1812.
ADM 103/6 Antigua and Grenada. Spanish prisoners of war. Covers Antigua 1805-1806 and Grenada 1806-1808.
ADM 103/60 Chatham. Danish prisoners of war, 1807.
ADM 103/600 Register of Spanish POWs Released on Parole, Scotland, 1811-1814.
ADM 103/601 Register of French POWs Released on Parole, Ashburton, Bdomin, Callington, Tavistock and Tiverton, 1794-1798.
ADM 103/602 French POWs Released on Parole, Tavistock and South Moulton, 1803-1805.
ADM 103/603 Spanish POWs Released on Parole, Tavistock, 1805.
ADM 103/604 French POWs Released on Parole, North Tawton, 1809-1810.
ADM 103/605 French POWs Released on Parole, Thame, 1804-1814.
ADM 103/606 French POWs Released on Parole, Thame, 1804-1814.
ADM 103/607 Tiverton. French parole prisoners, 1803-1811.
ADM 103/608 French POWs Released on Parole, Wantage, 1808-1810.
ADM 103/609 French POWs Released on Parole, Welshpool, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/61 Chatham. Danish prisoners of war, 1807-1808.
ADM 103/610 French POWs Released on Parole, Wincanton, 1805-1811.
ADM 103/611 French POWs released on parole surnames A-K 1800-1815
ADM 103/612 French POWs released on parole surnames L-Z 1800-1815
ADM 103/613 French POWs released on parole surnames A-K 1800-1815
ADM 103/614 French POWs released on parole surnames L-Z 1800-1815
ADM 103/615 Prisoners sent to Holland on parole 1796-1799
ADM 103/616 Prisoners sent to Spain on parole 1797-1800
ADM 103/617 French POWs deaths Antigua 1804-1809
ADM 103/618 Barbados. Register of deaths of prisoners of war (largely from French colonies), 1804-1806.
ADM 103/619 American POWs register of deaths, 1812-1815
ADM 103/62 Danish POWs Register of Deaths Chatham 1808-1809.
ADM 103/620 French POWs Register of Deaths Cape of Good Hope, Halifax, Gibraltar, Jamaica,
Malta and Newfoundland 1803-1812.
ADM 103/621 French and Spanish POWs Register of Deaths Cape of Good Hope 1808.
ADM 103/622 Chatham. POWs register of deaths, 1804-1814.
ADM 103/623 POWs Register of Deaths Dartmoor 1809-1816.
ADM 103/624 Danish POWs Register of Deaths Greenlaw 1805-1813.
ADM 103/625 Halifax (Nova Scotia). French and American prisoners of war, 1803-1815.
ADM 103/626 Jamaica. American POWs Register of Deaths, 1813-1815.
ADM 103/627 French POWs Register of Deaths Jamaica 1804-1806.
ADM 103/628 French POWs Register of Deaths Norman Cross 1803-1804.
ADM 103/629 British POWs register of deaths 1814-1815.
ADM 103/63 Danish POWs Chatham 1809-1812.
ADM 103/630 Register of deaths for British POWs 1794-1813.
ADM 103/631 Register of Deaths for British POWs 1794-1814.
ADM 103/632 Register of Deaths for British POWs 1794-1815.
ADM 103/633 French POWs register of deaths, 1794-1815.
ADM 103/634 French POWs register of deaths, 1794-1815.
ADM 103/635 Location: Various. Register of deaths of prisoners of war, 1793-1831.
ADM 103/636 Register of Deaths of POWs 1793-1831.
ADM 103/637 Register of Deaths of POWs 1793-1831.
ADM 103/638 Register of Deaths of POWs 1793-1831.
ADM 103/639 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/64 Chatham. Danish prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/640 Dartmoor. Certificates, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/641 Forton. Vertificates and books, 1793-1815.
ADM 103/642 Kinsale and Liverpool. Certificates, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/643 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/644 Plymouth. Certificates, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/645 Porchester. Register of POWs, certificates.
ADM 103/646 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/647 Stapelton. Certificates, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/648 Parole and various certificates, 1799-1814.
ADM 103/65 Chatham. Dutch and Russian prisoners of war, 1803-1810.
ADM 103/66 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1803-1805.
ADM 103/67 Chatham. French prisoners, 1803-1806.
ADM 103/68 French POWs in Chatham 1806-1807.
ADM 103/69 French POWs in Chatham 1807-1808.
ADM 103/7 Assistance (ship). Various nationalities. 1811-1812.
ADM 103/7 part 2 Register of POWs on Assistance (ship).
ADM 103/70 French POWs in Chatham 1808-1809.
ADM 103/71 French POWs in Chatham 1809.
ADM 103/72 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1809.
ADM 103/73 French POWs in Chatham 1809-1810.
ADM 103/74 French POWs in Chatham 1810-1811.
ADM 103/75 Chatham. French prisoners, 1811.
ADM 103/76 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1811-1812.
ADM 103/77 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1812-1814.
ADM 103/78 Chatham. French prisoners of war, 1814.
ADM 103/79 Chatham. Prussian prisoners, 1806-1807.
ADM 103/8 General Entry Book.
ADM 103/80 Chatham, Kinsale, Guernsey, Forfar, Falmouth and Edinburgh. Spanish prisoners of .
war, 1796-1801.
ADM 103/81 Chatham. Spanish prisoners of war, 1805-1807.
ADM 103/82 "Crown" (ship). French and Dutch prisoners of war, 1798-1802.
ADM 103/83 "Crown" (Ship). French prisoners of war, 1798-1802.
ADM 103/84 "Crown" (Ship). French prisoners of war. Soldiers, 1798-1801.
ADM 103/85 "Crown" (Ship). French prisoners, 1806-1813.
ADM 103/86 "Crown" (Ship). Various nationalities, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/87 Dartmoor. American prisoners of war, 1813-1814.
ADM 103/88 Unpublished finding aid - TNA reading room (red list for ADM 103)
ADM 103/89 Dartmoor. American prisoners of war, 1814
ADM 103/9 Ave Princess (ship). Various nationalities, 1810
ADM 103/90 Dartmoor. American prisoners of war, 1814
ADM 103/91 Dartmoor. American prisoners, 1814-1815
ADM 103/92 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1809
ADM 103/93 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1809
ADM 103/94 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1809
ADM 103/95 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1809-1811
ADM 103/96 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1811-1811
ADM 103/99 Dartmoor. French prisoners of war, 1815
ADM 6/417 Alphabetical register of decision taken on Americans detained in H M ships or elsewhere, 1812-1814.
AO 11/1 French prisoners, 1793-1795. (Piece 1).
AO 11/2 French prisoners, 1793-1795. (Piece 2).
AO 11/3 French prisoners (under initials), 1793-1795. (Piece 3).
AO 11/4 French prisoners (under initials), 1793-1795. (Piece 4).
AO 3/876 Prisoners of war, pay books, 1793-1794. (Piece 876).
AO 3/877 Prisoners of war, pay books, 1793-1794. (Piece 877).
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
WO 28/182 Crimean prisoners of war, 1854-1856
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
MT 23/114 South African Prisoners of War, South African War. List of prisoners embarked between 4 and 21 March 1900.
MT 23/147 a) South African Prisoners of War, South African War. List of prisoners embarked as Cape Town on the 7th March 1902 for India. b) South African Prisoners of War, South African War. List of prisoners embarked at Durban for Cape Town between 13 and 17 March 1902.
WO 108/368 List of Boer prisoners of war, numbers 1-32561, 1899-1902.
WO 108/369 Boer prisoners in Ceylon, nominal roll, Nov 1900.
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
AIR 1/696 History of RAF Squadrons
AIR 1/698 Technical Handbooks for Engines
AIR 1/892/204/5/697 List of British POWs in Turkey (February)
BT 167 Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey (May 1918)
CAB 45/129 A list of Officer POWs held at Torgau camp Aug-Oct 1914
CO 693/5 Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey(July, 1917)
CO 693/9 Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey (December, 1917)
FO 372/533 List of British Officer at Torgau Camp Oct 1914 , List of German POWs taken in various overseas territories
FO 372/534 List of British POWs at Wunsdorf camp
FO 383/109 List of Naval Officers interned in Germany; List of those the Yugoslav Committee would like released from British Camps
FO 383/127 List of British POWs held in Bulgaria (July 1916)
FO 383/176 List of British POWs interned in German East Africa (January 1916)
FO 383/183 Royal and Merchant Navy officers taken to Germany by SS Moewe (1916)
FO 383/22 Name only list of incapacitated POWs to be exchanged.
FO 383/225 Turkey. Prisoners, including: Ali Arsland Effendi: disposal of his property in Bombay, India. Transfer of British subjects from Baghdad. Delivery of parcels and letters to prisoners.
FO 383/238 List of casualties and survivors of HMS Tara held in Tripoli by Turkish Government
FO 383/252 List of incapacitated British POWs held in Bulgaria
FO 383/265 British POWs in Lazerets hospitals
FO 383/273 Inspections of POW camps, including: (1) Reserve Lazaret Hospital at Munich (2) Heilsberg Lazaret (3) Preussisch-Holland(4) Merzdorf (5) Lechfeld (6) British prisoners sentenced to three-years imprisonment for mutiny
FO 383/307 Naval POWs in Germany; Interned German civilians considered for move to Holland
FO 383/333 NZ officers in Turkey
FO 383/336 POWs in Turkey
FO 383/352 List of incapacitated British POWs held in Bulgaria
FO 383/353 East Kent Regiment interned in Germany
FO 383/419 POWs in Termonde, Belgium, Aug 1918
FO 383/456 POWs in Turkey
FO 383/65 Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey (1915)
FO 383/69 Ruhleben Prison Camp 1915
FO 383/9 List of Officers and Men held in Bulgaria
MT 9/5988 Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey (May 1918)
MT 9/962 List of members of fishing vessels interned in Germany (1914)
WO 161/100 War Office: Miscellaneous Unregistered Papers, First World War, 1914-1944
WO 161/95 Interview reports following repatriation (WO 161/95)
WO 161/96 Officers reports: pages 539-1169 containing report numbers 101-445
WO 161/97 Medical Officers reports: pages 1-398 containing report numbers 1-90.
WO 161/98 Other ranks reports: pages 1-821 containing report numbers 1-537 (pages 822-1575, report numbers 538-860 are missing).
WO 161/99 Other ranks reports: pages 1576-2402 containing report numbers 861-1125 (pages 822-1575, report numbers 538-860 are missing)
WO 900/45 Specimen list of army, naval and civilian German PoWs (WW1) ("Twenty Second List") [WO 900 contains "Specimens of Series of Documents Destroyed"]
WO 900/46 Specimen list of army, naval and civilian German PoWs (WW1) ("One Hundred and First List") [WO 900 contains "Specimens of Series of Documents Destroyed"]
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
ADM 201/111 Royal Marine POWs in Germany 1939-1945
AIR 1/271 RNAS Reports
AIR 2/9625 Awards of Mention to personnel killed while attempting to escape
AIR 20/2336 POWs in German territory March 1945
AIR 40/1488 Stalag Luft 3 (East) rolls Jan-July 1945
AIR 40/1489 Stalag Luft 3 (North) roll Apr 1944-July 1945
AIR 40/1490 Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria) roll Apr-June 1945
AIR 40/1491 Stalag 3 (A) rolls Jan-June 1945
AIR 40/2488 Shooting of 50 RAF Officers: Reports Nos 1-60 (Includes list of officer) 1945
AIR 40/263 Stalag Luft 1 roll by Hilton May-July 1945
AIR 40/264 Stalag Luft 4 roll by Clarke Apr-Nov 1945
AIR 40/267 Stalag Luft 3 (East) list of personnel (except escapees) Jan 1945
AIR 40/268 Stalag Luft (North) recommendations and lists May 1944-Dec 1945
AIR 40/269 Milag - Marlag Nord - Oflag L roll Feb-Mar 1945
AIR 40/271 Stalag 4B lists June-July 1945
AIR 40/272 Stalag 17B roll June 1945
AIR 40/275 Stalag 11B roll (Undated)
AIR 40/276 Stalag 357 rolls Jan 1944-Mar 1945
AIR 40/277 Stalag 357 other lists Nov 1943- July 1945
AIR 40/278 POW rolls for repatriation Apr-May 1945
AIR 40/279 Stalag Luft 1, Weir's file 1945
AIR 46/25 Air Ministry: Royal Air Force Liaison Missions: Papers, 1939-1960
BT 373/3721 List of Deceased POWs Germany and Japan 1940-1944
CO 968/1 Colonial Empire Defence
CO 968/2 East Africa Defence
CO 968/3 East Africa Defence
CO 968/4 West Africa Defence
CO 968/5 West Africa Defence
FO 371/24326 Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence from 1906-1966, 1906-1966
FO 371/24327 Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence from 1906-1966, 1906-1966
FO 371/24376 List of POW escapees in unocc. France and Spain 1940
FO 916/1055 List of POW escapees in unocc. France and Spain 1940
FO 916/256 POWs in Germany Jan-June 1942
FO 916/2568 List of civilians desiring repatriation to Britain
FO 916/257 POWs in Germany July-Dec 1942
FO 916/2580 Deportations during WW2
FO 916/50 List of missing combatants - circulation among POW camps 1941
FO 916/993 British POWs in Greece 1944
MT 9/3954 Examinations taken by British prisoners of war (WW2)
WO 32/15502 Shooting of 50 RAF officers at Stalag 3 1944-5
WO 32/9895 Treatment of British POWs who escaped to Switzerland 1941-46
WO 361/1783 Prisoners of war, Italy and Germany: PG 53, Sforzacosta, Italy, and Stalag 398 Pupping, Austria; report by Reverend A J Symonds, CF.
WO 361/1788 Prisoners of war, Germany: Sergeant James Kelly, traced as dead, January 1943.
WO 361/1797/1 Prisoners of war, Germany: Stalag XIB, Fallingbostel; nominal rolls. Orderable at item level.
WO 361/39 British Expeditionary Force France: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment); missing men; includes lists of those taken prisoner of war.
WO 361/40 British Expeditionary Force, France: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment); missing men; includes lists of those taken prisoner of war.
WO 361/668 Italy: train transporting British prisoners of war bombed by Allies at Allerona near Orvieto
WO 392/1 Lists of POWs in Germany or German-Occupied territory (WW2)
WO 392/10 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/11 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/12 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/13 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/14 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/15 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/16 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/18 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/19 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/2 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/20 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World
War, 1943-1945
WO 392/21 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/22 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/25 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/26 War Office: Directorate of Prisoners of War: Prisoners of War Lists, Second World War, 1943-1945
WO 392/3 Alphabetical list of prisoners. Canadian Army
WO 392/4 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/5 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/6 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/7 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/8 Alphabetical list of prisoners
WO 392/9 Alphabetical list of prisoners
The list includes all The National Archive pieces itemised by archival reference and followed by the piece description.
AIR 40/1855 British POWs liberated from Rangoon Jail 1945
BT 373/3717 Deceased Merchant Navy POWs (WW2) (3721)
BT 373/3718 Deceased Merchant Navy POWs (WW2) (3721)
BT 373/3720 Officers and Ratings who died in Captivity, Japan, 1941-1945
BT 373/3721 List of Deceased POWs Germany and Japan 1940-1944
BT 373/3722 Deceased Merchant Navy POWs (WW2) (3721)
CO 980/138 POWs on board torpoedoed Japanese transport Lisbon Maru 1942-1946
FO 916/1056 British prisoners of war in Japanese hands - lists
FO 916/1057 British prisoners of war in Japanese hands - lists
WO 345/1 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/10 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/11 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/12 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/13 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/14 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/15 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/16 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/17 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/18 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/19 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/2 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/20 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/21 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/22 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/23 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/24 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/25 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/26 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/27 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/28 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/29 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/3 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/30 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/31 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/32 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/33 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/34 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/35 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/36 Japanese Index Cards of Allied POWs, Miler J Morrill, 1942-1945
WO 345/37 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/38 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/39 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/4 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/40 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/41 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/42 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/43 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/44 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/45 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/46 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/47 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/48 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/49 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/5 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/50 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/51 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/52 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/53 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/54 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/55 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/56 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/57 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/58 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/6 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/7 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/8 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 345/9 War Office: Japanese Index Cards of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees, Second World War, 1942-1945
WO 361/1088 Middle East: Aegean, miscellaneous casualties, 3 Oct 1943 - 16 Nov 1943
WO 361/1094 Far East: Royal Army Service Corps; officers serving in Hong Kong, list of prisoners of war in 1941.
WO 361/1103 Far East: 13th Searchlight Battery, Royal Artillery; nominal roll with dead and missing, by Warrant Officer B S M Grover (former prisoner of war)
WO 361/1106 Japan; deaths at Prisoner of War Camps No 6 (Tanoura) and No 25 (Omuta)
WO 361/1108 Thailand and Japan; death certificates for 5 prisoners of war who died at sea, en route from Thailand to Japan
WO 361/1112 Thailand-Burma Railway; deaths, burials and location of cemeteries; British Prisoners of War Labour Battalion, employed to build railway between Thanbyuzayat and Three Pagodas Pass
WO 361/1116 Far East: 13th Searchlight Battery, Royal Artillery; nominal roll with dead and missing, by Warrant Officer B S M Grover (former prisoner of war)
WO 361/1118 Far East: Argyle Street Prisoner of War Camp 'N', Hong Kong; lists of dead (died of illness or wounds, or killed) as at 29 April 1943
WO 361/1126 Far East: Borneo; Indian Army, former prisoners of war, list of those released and going to Madras.
WO 361/1127 Far East: Chubia Island, North Java Sea; report of dead and missing prisoners of war by Captain I W Stoner
WO 361/1136 Death certificates of POWs
WO 361/1142 Far East: Changi and Thailand; register of deaths of prisoners of war, mainly Royal Engineers, maintained by Sergeant N C Lamb
WO 361/1143 Thailand; register of deaths of prisoners of war, 88th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, by Brigadier A E Lowe
WO 361/1145 register of deaths of Royal Engineers officers captured at Singapore
WO 361/1153 Far East: 5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment; deaths of prisoners of war
WO 361/1154 Far East: Royal Army Service Corps; deaths of prisoners of war, 1945 Nov 07 - 1945 Nov 08
WO 361/1155 Changi Camp and Thailand: Royal Engineers; deaths of prisoners of war
WO 361/1158 Deaths of prisoners of war transferred from Changi Camp to Japan, June 1943, and Boei Glodok Camp, Batavia, to Japan
WO 361/1160 Japan; nominal roll of personnel at Oeyama POW Camp, Osaka Camp No 3, including list of deceased
WO 361/1169 Branch No 1 camp of Sumatra Camp, Bangkanang; deaths of civilian internees
WO 361/1175 Far East: Kuching, Borneo; prisoners of war, list of deaths received from Land Forces, Melbourne
WO 361/1179 Sumatra; list of prisoner of war deaths, Palembang Camp
WO 361/1182 Deaths in Saigon prisoner of war camp, No 8 Branch Thailand
WO 361/1185 No 10 Group POW Camp, French Indo-China; deaths
WO 361/1186 Far East: Royal Army Ordnance Corps; deaths of prisoners of war.
WO 361/1196 Japan; nominal rolls of deaths and survivors at Fukuoka No 6 Camp, Orio
WO 361/1199 Far East: Onte Bridge Camp, Thailand; deaths at Nong Pladuk No 2 prisoner of war camp
WO 361/1203 Singapore; Register of Deaths, excluding personnel taken prisoner at capitulation
WO 361/1206 Far East: Celebes (Sulawesi); Pamaala prisoner of war camp; Royal Naval personnel, 1945 Nov 19 - 1945 Nov 21
WO 361/1213 Thailand; 18th Divisional Signals, Royal Corps of Signals; casualties in POW camps in Singapore, Thailand and Burma, and missing on route to Japan
WO 361/1216 Far East: Taiwan; No 4 Camp, Taihoku; British deaths
WO 361/1222 Nominal role of prisoners of war who died in Japanese hands, collated from various interrogation reports
WO 361/1230 Thailand; Linson prisoner of war camp and cemetery
WO 361/1243 Changi POW Camp, Singapore; Pioneer Corps
WO 361/1254 Japan; Fukuoka POW Camp; name list, as of 15 August 1945
WO 361/1282 Far East: Sumatra; Pakan Baroe POW Camp; Royal Artillery deaths.
WO 361/1283 Far East: Thailand; prisoners of war who died at Takanun POW Camp and on board ship to Japan, August 1944
WO 361/1288 Far East: Japan; Moji POW Camp; nominal roll.
WO 361/1292 Far East: Dutch East Indies; Haroekoe (Haruku) Island; deaths of POWs, chiefly RAF
WO 361/1296 Far East: Singapore and Thailand; Changi prisoner of war camp; 135th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; deaths
WO 361/1297 Far East: 4th Battalion, Royal Norfolk Regiment; POW deaths in Thailand; casualties in Battle of Singapore
WO 361/1298 Far East: Thailand; deaths at prisoner of war camps
WO 361/1301 85th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery; POW deaths
WO 361/1307 Far East: Royal Artillery and other services personnel; effects of deceased prisoners of war
WO 361/1309 Far East: Royal Army Service Corps records, including deaths at Kuching POW Camp, Borneo
WO 361/1318 Far East: Japan; Kobe Sub-Camp No 2; deaths
WO 361/1320 Far East: Japan; Camp No 5, Niigata; deaths
WO 361/1321 Far East: Taiwan; Kinkaseki POW Camp; deaths
WO 361/1325 British prisoners of war dead or missing in Pacific Area
WO 361/1327 Far East; No 3 Contract Team, Indian Prisoner of War Recovery Mission; British personnel of Indian Army - deaths
WO 361/1328 Far East: Sumatra; Palembang POW Camp; deaths
WO 361/1329 Japan; Hakodate POW Camp; deaths and hospital patients
WO 361/1344 Far East: Thailand; Burial Register for No 2 Camp, Sonkurai
WO 361/1349 Far East: Java; Tandjong Priok prisoner of war camp; Royal Artillery; deaths
WO 361/1350 Far East: Shirakawa POW Camp, Taiwan; deaths and burials
WO 361/1352 Far East: Malayan Volunteer Forces; personnel killed in captivity or in action; report by Private C H Fell
WO 361/1353 Far East: Java and Japan; prisoner of war deaths through sickness while in Java and Japan or at sea; 48th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
WO 361/1355 Hong Kong Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve personnel who died on SS Lisbon Maru or in POW camps
WO 361/1357 Japan; No 8 POW Camp Fukuoka; British deaths
WO 361/1358 Far East: Fortress Royal Engineers (FRE) Singapore personnel who were POWs in Taiwan, including deaths
WO 361/1363 Far East: Dutch East Indies; prisoner of war deaths on Ambon Island; graves situated near barracks at Wayame
WO 361/1364 Japan; Osaka No 1 Camp; Royal Navy deaths
WO 361/1366 Far East: Japan; prisoners of war transferred from Osaka camp to Tokyo Area Camp No 4B at Naoetsu, Niigata Prefecture, Honshu.
WO 361/1367 Nominal role of prisoners of war who died in Japanese hands, collated from various interrogation reports
WO 361/1368 Far East: Japan; deaths at Okinayama POW Camp, Ube, 1942 to 1945
WO 361/1373 Far East: Japan; British personnel deaths at Shimonoseki Camp, 1942-1943
WO 361/1374 Japan; British POW deaths at Fukuoka Camp
WO 361/1375 Japan and Taiwan; Allied personnel deaths at No 4 Camp Shirakawa, Taiwan, and No 9 Camp Miyata, Kyushu, Japan, and en route between the two; extracts from the diary of Lieutenant H Hill
WO 361/1377 Far East: Japan; British personnel deaths at Fukuoka No 17 Camp
WO 361/1381 Far East: New Guinea; report on Watom and Credner Islands, Allied prisoner of war camps and graves
WO 361/1384 4th, 5th and 6th Battalions, Royal Norfolk Regiment; list of personnel on the SS Hokufu Maru and nominal roll of deaths in captivity
WO 361/1385 Singapore; Allied personnel deaths at Imperial Japanese Army (IPA) Military Prison, Antram Road, and Changi Camp
WO 361/1386 Japan; British personnel, lists deaths at Mitsushino Camp
WO 361/1387 Far East: 5th Battalion, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment; report on conditions aboard SS Hofuku Maru, from Singapore to Manila; list of dead and missing
WO 361/1390 War-Office-Dept-of-the-Permanent--1390-1939-1945
WO 361/1393 Far East: Java; deaths of 2 prisoners of war.
WO 361/1396 deaths in Japanese camps and from ship sunk on 25 June 1944; compiled from register kept by Sergeant Major Guest, 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment
WO 361/1403 Thailand; deaths of prisoners of war in various camps, 1942-1945; statement from Captain E A de L Young
WO 361/1404 Sumatra; British and Allied deaths at No 3 Camp, Koebang, and No 3 Camp, Kataboeloe
WO 361/1405 Hong Kong; Royal Army Ordnance Corps; personnel killed in action or died in captivity
WO 361/1406 War-Office-Dept-of-the-Permanent--1406-1939-1945
WO 361/1410 War-Office-Dept-of-the-Permanent--1410-1939-1945
WO 361/1434 Thailand; deaths at Tamuan camp; from book kept by Sergeant Pulford
WO 361/1436 Malaya and China; deaths at Taiping Gaol and Pudu Gaol, Kuala Lumpur
WO 361/1437 Indo-China; deaths at Saigon POW Camp; from Gunner J E Mitchell
WO 361/1439 Far East: deaths at Sakata POW Camp and missing from Japanese ship President Harrison
WO 361/1442 Japan; deaths at Fukuoka No 1 POW Camp; from Brigadier H E Woods
WO 361/1443 Far East: deaths at Kobe and Motoyama Camps; from Warrant Officer J Gatley
WO 361/1450 Japan; 48th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery; nominal roll of POW deaths
WO 361/1454 Far East: Java; includes deaths at Batavia and Tandjong Priok Camps; from Lieutenant Colonel Crafter
WO 361/1463 death certificates for prisoners of war who died in Kuching and Labuan Island
WO 361/1474 Various camps, Japan; copies of death certificates
WO 361/1475 Japan and Taiwan; deaths at various camps; lists and copies of death certificates. Orderable at item level
WO 361/1475/2 Japan and Taiwan, deaths at various camps, lists and copies of death cerficates 1946-1947
WO 361/1484 War-Office-Dept-of-the-Permanent--1484-1939-1945
WO 361/1485 Raha Camp, Moena (Muna) Island, Death Certificates and Lists of Property of Dead POWs 1945-1946
WO 361/1486 Dutch East Indies; death certificates for prisoners of war who died in transit between Ambon, Makassar and Moena (Muna) Island, allegedly by Allied action
WO 361/1499 Borneo; notification of deaths at various prisoner of war camps
WO 361/1501 Malayan Volunteer Forces and British prisoners of war in Borneo; death certificates received from UK Army Liaison Staff, Melbourne; personnel A to L
WO 361/1502 Far East: Malayan Volunteer Forces and British prisoners of war in Borneo; death certificates received from UK Army Liaison Staff, Melbourne; personnel M to Z
WO 361/1503 Borneo: nominal roll British prisoners of war and causes of death; includes Japanese record cards and death certificates
WO 361/1504 Far East: Changi POW Camp, Singapore, and elsewhere; burial returns, death certificates, hospital records
WO 361/1511 Philippines; main POW camp, Manila; death certificates
WO 361/1512 Thailand; Nakom Paton, prisoner of war camp; death certificate for Private A E Driver, Royal Army Ordnance Corps
WO 361/1515 Far East: deaths of prisoners of war; sinking of SS Hofuku Maru, 21 September 1944, off Manila; sinking of SS Lisbon Maru, 1 October 1944
WO 361/1516 Far East: receipt of death certificates and Japanese prisoner of war record cards
WO 361/1517 Prisoner of War Internment Centre, Thailand; accidental deaths
WO 361/1519 No 4, No 5 and No 7 Camps, Thailand; documents relating to prisoner of war deaths
WO 361/1520 Thailand; deaths, August 1942 to March 1943
WO 361/1521 No 4 Camp, Thailand; monthly death rolls
WO 361/1525 Far East: No 3 Camp, Thailand; deaths; indexes to graves, with sketch maps of cemeteries
WO 361/1526 Far East: Main Camp, Thailand; deaths, August 1942 to December 1943
WO 361/1527 Main Camp, Thailand; deaths, from January 1944
WO 361/1529 Far East: Main Camp, Thailand; deaths from January 1944
WO 361/1530 Far East: Java Internment Centre; prisoner of war deaths (including British) after 15 August 1942
WO 361/1531 Far East: main camp, Thailand; personal effects of deceased prisoners of war, September 1943 to December 1944
WO 361/1533 POW Internment Camp, Thailand; diagnosis of deaths
WO 361/1534 Far East: Taiwan; copies of Japanese death certificates forwarded by War Crimes Liaison Section (Formosa); POW Camps, Heito, Headquarters and Daichoku, Karenko, Kinkaseki and Taichu
WO 361/1536 Far East: Taiwan Prisoner of War Camp, Formosa; nominal rolls; includes death and post mortem reports
WO 361/1537 Prisoner of War Hospital of 2nd Branch of Malayan Prisoner of War Camp; copies of death certificates
WO 361/1539 Death certificates of POWs
WO 361/1542 Far East: report of deaths of released prisoners of war being flown from Okinawa to Manila
WO 361/1558 Chosen (Korea), Shanghai and Osaka POW Camps; nominal lists; deaths
WO 361/1582 Prisoners of war Far East: Nagoya POW Camp Japan; name list as of 15 August 1945.9393
WO 361/1585 Far East: Singapore and Thailand; 3rd Indian Corps of Signals; nominal roll
WO 361/1586 Far East: Japan; Fukuoka Prisoner of War Camp No 3; nominal roll
WO 361/1587 personnel captured at Garoet (Garut), Java; list and Japanese record cards, Telegram lists of deceased POWs in the Far East
WO 361/1594 Taiwan; Heito No 3 Prisoner of War Camp; lists of personnel believed to be dead
WO 361/1607 Burma; death and burial details of 8 prisoners of war
WO 361/1613 Far East: Borneo; prisoner of war record cards; buried in Jesselton cemetery and those sent from Kuching to Jesselton
WO 361/1614 Far East: Borneo; prisoner of war record cards from Sandakan Camp
WO 361/1616 Copies of death records (by Japanese Prisoner of War Information Bureau) for Shanghai, Philippines and Java
WO 361/1623 Far East: death index; soldiers' names entered from files in the series SS/330/141; entered to SS/330/141/689
WO 361/1624/1 Borneo death record (Japanese Prisoner of War Information Bureau) and death lists for Mukden, Thailand and Malaya POW Camps. Orderable at item level - Borneo list
WO 361/1625 Borneo and Malaya; lists and copies of death records; received from Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific
WO 361/1626 Far East: Java, Malaya, Burma; nominal rolls of Royal Air Force personnel
WO 361/1628 Far East: statement by Surgeon Commander R Bennett, 3rd Indian Corps; includes list of casualties from Japanese ship sunk off Luzon, Philippines, 21 September 1944
WO 361/1630 list of dead, November and December 1942, in Japan and Taiwan and on board SS Enoura Maru
WO 361/1631/1 Statement by Captain G V Bird, Royal Engineers, 1946
WO 361/1633 Far East: unreported Allied prisoner of war deaths
WO 361/1633/2 Far East Unreported Allied POWs Deaths 1946
WO 361/1634 Far East: Hong Kong death records, 1942-1945
WO 361/1635 Far East: Shonan Maru; death list of British prisoners of war, buried at sea, November 1942
WO 361/1636 deaths of 8 prisoners of war, on ships or in Japan
WO 361/1656 Far East: Japanese prisoner of war records; unreported deaths of Allied personnel
WO 361/1659 Far East: Manchuria; 2 prisoners of war killed in air raids; diary extract from Major R Peaty, Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
WO 361/1660 Japan; reports of deaths at Fukuoka Camp 17, Omuta
WO 361/1675 Far East: Japan; list of deceased British prisoners of war at Fukuoka No 1 Camp; from letter by H C Woods. former prisoner of war
WO 361/1676 Far East: nominal rolls of deceased British prisoners of war in Borneo; compiled from Japanese death certificates
WO 361/1682 Far East: Japan; Fukuoka No 24 POW Camp, Sendryu; letter from Flight Lieutenant J Sunderland, Royal Australian Air Force; includes list of deaths
WO 361/1683 Japan; Colonial Office personnel (Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps); deaths at Hiroshima POW Camp
WO 361/1700 Receipt of Japanese record cards for 3 deceased prisoners of war
WO 361/1707 Japan; report by Lieutenant R H Millyan; nominal rolls of dead at Hiroshima and Onomichi POW Camps
WO 361/1719 Japan; list of handing over of POW ashes from various camps; received from International Red Cross Committee
WO 361/172 Far East: Singapore; dead prisoners of war at Changi Hospital; list compiled by Reverend Chambers
WO 361/1723 Singapore; dead prisoners of war at Changi Hospital; list compiled by Reverend Chambers
WO 361/1725 Far East: Japanese record cards of 3 recovered prisoners of war.
WO 361/1734 Far East: deaths on board Japanese ship Maros Maru; prisoners of war buried at sea
WO 361/1738 Far East: Chungkai POW Camp, Thailand; book of deaths
WO 361/1742 Prisoners of war, Far East: sinking of prisoner of war transports
WO 361/1744 Far East, Sinking of Lisbon Maru prison ship, 1942
WO 361/1744/2 Prisoners of war, Far East: sinking of Lisbon Maru, prison ship, 2 October 1942. Orderable at item level
WO 361/1745 Prisoners of war, Far East: casualties at sea, en route to Japan as prisoners of war, and in various prison camps
WO 361/1748 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Artillery personnel; post capitulation in Batavia; Java; died at sea en route to Japan; drowned off Nagasaki when transport was torpedoed, night of 24/25 June 1944
WO 361/1753 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand list by Major Tanner, Royal Army Service Corps; deaths
WO 361/1755 Prisoners of war, Far East: list by Major Daubney; deaths, mainly in Thailand
WO 361/1756 Prisoners of war, Far East: list by Lieutenant Hamilton; deaths at Osaka Camp, Japan
WO 361/1757 Prisoners of war, Far East: list by Major Allinson; deaths in various camps and at sea
WO 361/1758 Prisoners of war, Far East: list by Captain Blair (doctor); deaths at Taboke camp hospital
WO 361/1764 Prisoners of war, Far East: Ballale Island (Shortland Group, off New Guinea); investigation after 432 Royal Artillery bodies were found by Australian troops, linked with disappearance of Japanese ship transporting prisoners of war from New Britain, early March 1943; interrogation of the Japanese
WO 361/1779 Prisoners of war, Hong Kong: Royal Army Veterinary Corps, Army Education Corps (AEC), Corps of Military Police, Hong Kong Signals
WO 361/1780 Prisoners of war, Hong Kong: Middlesex Regiment.
WO 361/1937 Prisoners of war: action logs of deaths and woundings; books 1-3
WO 361/1939 Prisoners of war Far East: personal effects of deceased prisoners of war
WO 361/1940 Prisoners of war Far East: arrangements following Japanese surrender; nominal roll of No 25 camp Fukuoka and war diary; deaths at camp No 25 and camp No 6 Tanoura
WO 361/1943 Prisoners of war, Far East: Captain G D MacDonald, Kedah Volunteer Force.
WO 361/1944 Prisoners of war, Far East: burials at No 12 camp, Fukuoka
WO 361/1945 DJAWA Pow Camp Name List
WO 361/1946 Malaya POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1947 Malaya POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1948 Malaya POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1949 Malaya POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1950 Prisoners of war, Far East: Malaya POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume, V.
WO 361/1951 Prisoners of war, Far East: Malaya POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume VI.
WO 361/1952 Malaya POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1953 Prisoners of war, Far East: Malaya POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume VIII
WO 361/1954 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume I.
WO 361/1955 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume II.
WO 361/1956 Thai POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1957 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand POW Camp, name list, as of 1 November 1944; volume IV.
WO 361/1959 Prisoners of war, Far East: Hoten POW Camp, Manchuria; name list, as of 1 November 19443
WO 361/1960 Prisoners of war, Far East: Hiroshima POW Camp, Japan; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1961 Prisoners of war, Far East: name list of British prisoners in Fukuoka POW Camp No 2, Nagasaki, Japan.
WO 361/1963 Prisoners of war, Far East: Osaka and Hiroshima POW Camps, Japan; name lists, as per Directive 2, September 1945.
WO 361/1964 Prisoners of war, Far East: Osaka POW Camp, Japan; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1967 Prisoners of war, Far East: Chosen (Korea) POW Camp; name list, as of 1 November 1944
WO 361/1968 Taiwan POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1969 Prisoners of war, Far East: Hakodate POW Camp, Japan; name list as of 15 August 1945
WO 361/1970 Prisoners of war, Far East: Tokyo POW Camp, Japan; name list.
WO 361/1971 Prisoners of war, Far East: name list, camps not stated.
WO 361/1974 Prisoners of war, Far East: Hong Kong POW Camp; name list, as of 1 November 1944
WO 361/1977 Hiroshima POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1979 Thai POW Camp Name list
WO 361/1980 Prisoners of war, Far East: Japan; rosters of 'English'; labelled as 'Fukuoka, Omuta, etc'.
WO 361/1982 Prisoners of war, Far East: Hiroshima POW Camp, Japan; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1983 Prisoners of war, Far East: Sendai POW Camp, Japan; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1984 Prisoners of war, Far East: Tokyo POW Camp, Japan; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1985 Prisoners of war Far East: Nagoya POW Camp Japan; name list as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/1987 Prisoners of war, Far East: British, 3 Group, Saigon; Americans, all groups; British, 4 Group.
WO 361/1988 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, September 1943; Camp I (Singapore) to Batavia, Batavia to Japan, Camp I to Japan
WO 361/1989 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, November 1943; Camp I (Singapore) to Malaya, Batavia to Malaya, Camp I to Nippon to Malaya, Camp I to Batavia
WO 361/1990 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, December 1943; Camp I to Batavia, Camp III to Batavia
WO 361/1991 Prisoners of war, Far East; movement lists, January 1944; Batavia to Thailand, Camp I to Batavia
WO 361/1992 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, February 1944; Camp I to Batavia, Camp III to Batavia
WO 361/1993 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, May 1944; Batavia to Camp IIS, Camp III to Batavia, Batavia to Japan, Camp III to Batavia
WO 361/1994 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists, June 1944; Camp III to Batavia, Batavia to Malaya
WO 361/1995 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists; September 1944; Camp III to Batavia, Batavia to Nippon, Batavia to Malaya, Camp III to Batavia
WO 361/1996 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement lists; October 1944; Camp III to Batavia, Batavia to Bandoeng
WO 361/1997 Prisoners of war, Far East: movement list, January 1995; Batavia to Thailand.
WO 361/2001 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand No 10 Group, Saigon; nominal roll, as at 12 September 1945.
WO 361/2002 Prisoners of war, Far East: civilians and POWs sent from Java to Malaya, up to 1 November 1944.
WO 361/2005 Prisoners of war, Far East: POWs sent to Japan from Thailand, up to 1 November 1944; nominal roll.
WO 361/2006 Prisoners of war, Far East: Batavia; nominal roll of all non-Dutch personnel.
WO 361/2008 Prisoners of war Far East: names of POWs in Java up to 1 November 1944.
WO 361/2009 POWs transported from Dutch East Indies to Japan 1945
WO 361/2010 Prisoners of war, Far East: POWs in Batavia District, as of 25 September 1945.
WO 361/2013 Prisoners of war, Far East: POWs at Pakan Baroe, Sumatra; name list, as of 15 August 1945.
WO 361/2015 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs on Puloe Pekagang, Netherlands East Indies
WO 361/2016 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs held in Saigon (captured in Sumatra)
WO 361/2017 Prisoners of war, Far East: Malayan POWs in camps in Singapore
WO 361/2018 Prisoners of war, Far East: camp rolls of Allied POWs and internees in Java.
WO 361/2019 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs transferred to Taiwan, 16 August 1942
WO 361/2020 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs transferred to Korea, 16 August 1942.
WO 361/2022 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs in Camp 10; nominal roll
WO 361/2024 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POWs transferred to other camps, March 1943; Party K
WO 361/2025 Prisoners of war Far East: Allied POWs transferred overland to other camps April 1943; F Force.
WO 361/2026 Prisoners of war, Far East: transfers to No 7 Group (Allied POWs and civilian internees held in French Indo-China); nominal roll of Nippon Party of POWs.
WO 361/2027 Prisoners of war, Far East: Camp No 8 of Thailand POW Internment Camp; movements in and out the camp, from 1 January 1945.
WO 361/2035 Prisoners of war, Far East: list of 4 deceased POWs found on Labuan Island
WO 361/2037 Prisoners of war, Far East: list of 14 men killed in action
WO 361/2044 Prisoners of war, Far East: recommendations for honours and awards for former POWs
WO 361/2045 Prisoners of war, Far East: photographs of POW camp survivors in Rangoon, Saigon, Java and New Guinea; aerial photographs of POW camps in Singapore and Malaya
WO 361/2049 Prisoners of war, Far East: Taiwan POW Camp No 1; nominal roll
WO 361/2050 Prisoners of war, Far East: Taiwan POW Camp No 4; nominal roll, August 1945
WO 361/2053 Prisoners of war, Far East: British POWs who died of illness (or aerial bombardment) in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hakodate, Malaya, Osaka, Borneo, Tokyo, Thailand, Philippines, Mukden, Fukuoka and Zentsuji POW camps
WO 361/2054 Canadian POWs who died of illness in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Osaka POW Camps 1945
WO 361/2055 Australian POWs who died of illness (or aerial bombardment) in Tokyo, Thailand, Borneo, Malaya, Zentsuji and Fukuoka POW Camps 1945
WO 361/2056 Australian, Canadian and New Zealand POWs Missing Owing to Transport Ships Being Sunk in the Far East 1944-1945
WO 361/2057 British POWs Missing Owing to Transport Ships Being Sunk in the Far East 1944-1945
WO 361/2058 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (ABC)
WO 361/2059 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (DEF)
WO 361/2060 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (GHI)
WO 361/2061 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (JKL)
WO 361/2062 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (MNO)
WO 361/2063 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (PQR)
WO 361/2064 POWs Far East Master Roll 1942-1943 (STU)
WO 361/2065 Prisoners of war, Far East: master roll, VWXYZ
WO 361/2067 Prisoners of war Far East: parties transferred overseas; 'B' and 'Special' Parties arrived in Japan from Changi Singapore.
WO 361/2068 Prisoners of war, Far East: 'number' parties transferred overseas and overland (OVS and OVL), 1942; from Singapore
WO 361/2069 Prisoners of war, Far East: 'letter' parties transferred overland, 1942
WO 361/2070 Prisoners of war, Far East: parties transferred overseas and overland from Changi, Singapore
WO 361/2071 Prisoners of war, Far East: party transferred from Palembang to Changi, 18-20 July 1942; nominal roll.
WO 361/2160 Prisoners of war, Far East: 148th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; nominal roll.2
WO 361/2162 Punjab Prisoners details
WO 361/2163 Prisoners of war, Far East: Indian Army personnel; nominal roll
WO 361/2165 British Prisoners
WO 361/2166 Prisoners of war, Far East: British military personnel, No 1 Group, Singapore; nominal roll.
WO 361/2167 British Prisoners
WO 361/2168 Prisoners of war, Far East: British military personnel, No 3 Group and Saigon; nominal roll.
WO 361/2169 Prisoners of war, Far East: British military personnel, No 4 Group, Singapore; nominal roll.
WO 361/2170 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POW camps in Thailand; nominal rolls
WO 361/2171 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POW camps in Thailand; nominal rolls
WO 361/2172 Prisoners of war, Far East: Allied POW camps in Thailand; nominal rolls.
WO 361/2176 Prisoners of war, Far East: 18th Division headquarters and infantry; pilot roll, A-E
WO 361/2177 Prisoners of war, Far East: 18th Division headquarters and infantry; pilot roll, F-L
WO 361/2178 Prisoners of war, Far East: 18th Division headquarters and infantry; pilot roll, M-S
WO 361/2179 Prisoners of war, Far East: 18th Division headquarters and infantry; pilot roll, T-Z
WO 361/2180 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Army Medical Corps, Army Dental Corps, Indian Medical Service personnel; pilot roll
WO 361/2181 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Army Ordnance Corps; pilot roll.
WO 361/2184 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Artillery; nominal roll, A-C
WO 361/2185 Royal Artillery
WO 361/2186 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Artillery; nominal roll, I-M.
WO 361/2187 Prisoners of war Far East: Royal Artillery; nominal roll N-R. Far East: Royal Artillery; nominal roll N-R.
WO 361/2188 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Artillery; nominal roll, S-Z.
WO 361/2189 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Corps of Signals; pilot roll, A-L.
WO 361/2190 Prisoners of war Far East: Royal Corps of Signals; pilot roll M-Z.
WO 361/2191 Prisoners of war, Far East: Royal Engineers; nominal roll.
WO 361/2192 Prisoners of war, Far East: British military personnel reported missing at the fall of Singapore; M-Z.
WO 361/2196 Prisoners of war, Far East: British POWs in Thailand and Saigon as at 1st August 1945; nominal roll
WO 361/2199 Prisoners of war, Far East: British and Australian POWs at Taiping and Kuala Lumpur, Malaya; nominal roll.
WO 361/2200 Prisoners of war, Far East: Kami (upper) Sonkurai Camp No 1, Thailand; nominal roll
WO 361/2201 Prisoners of war, Far East: F Force Working Party, Thailand; nominal roll.
WO 361/2202 Prisoners of war, Far East: K and L Forces who proceeded overland on 25 June and 24 August 1943; nominal roll.
WO 361/2206 Prisoners of war, Far East: 600 party, overseas from Changi, Singapore on 18 October 1942; D Force nominal rolls; war diary of Tanbaya hospital. Note:Â With map
WO 361/2207 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 1; nominal roll.
WO 361/2208 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 2; nominal roll.
WO 361/2209 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 3; nominal roll
WO 361/2210 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 4; nominal roll
WO 361/2211 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 5a; nominal roll
WO 361/2212 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 5c; nominal roll.
WO 361/2213 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 5g; nominal roll.
WO 361/2214 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 6; nominal roll.
WO 361/2215 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party 'Staff', Java Parties Nos 12 and 15, Mystery Party No 1; nominal rolls.
WO 361/2216 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 13; nominal roll.
WO 361/2217 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 16; nominal roll.
WO 361/2218 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Parties Nos 17, 17A and 18; nominal rolls.
WO 361/2219 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 19; nominal roll
WO 361/2220 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 20; nominal rolls
WO 361/2221 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 21; nominal roll.
WO 361/2222 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 22; nominal roll
WO 361/2223 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 23; nominal roll
WO 361/2224 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 24; nominal roll
WO 361/2225 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Party No 25; nominal roll
WO 361/2226 Prisoners of war, Far East: Java Part No 26; nominal roll
WO 361/2229 Prisoners of war, Far East: Changi Camp, Singapore; nominal roll, as of 5 September 1945
WO 361/2233 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand-Burma Railway camps; complete nominal roll of 'H' Force; compiled at Kanu jungle camp.
WO 361/2234 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand-Burma Railway camps; 'F' and 'H' Forces; death register
WO 361/2235 Prisoners of war, Far East: Thailand-Burma Railway camps; death rolls; cemetery details
WO 361/241 Malaya, 5th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery Missing Personel, 1943-1946
WO 361/382 Hong Kong: information on casualties and prisoners of war, compiled from reports by escapees etc; includes 2nd Battalion, Royal Scots
WO 361/435 Malaya and Netherlands East Indies: interrogation of survivors from Rakuyo Maru (Japanese ship carrying prisoners of war, sunk by US submarines) regarding missing personnel.
WO 361/733 Casualties at sea, China Sea: prisoners of war aboard Japanese transport ship Rakuyo Maru, sunk
WO 361/734 Casualties at sea, China Sea: prisoners of war aboard Japanese transport ship Rakuyo Maru, sunk
WO 361/758 Casualties at sea, China Sea (Philippines): Hofuku Maru (Japanese ship transporting prisoners of war) sunk
WO 361/767 Casualties at sea, Bashi Straits (Philippines): SS Arisan Maru, Japanese prisoner of war ship travelling ...
WO 361/768 Casualties at sea, Indonesia (off Sumatra): SS Junyo Maru, Japanese ship carrying prisoners of war ...
WO 361/773 Solomon Islands: unaccounted for prisoners of war, who embarked at Singapore, 18 October 1942, and ...
WO 361/774 Solomon Islands: unaccounted for prisoners of war, who embarked at Singapore
WO 361/777 Prisoners of war presumed dead, not missing: nominal roll
WO 361/781 Borneo: presumption of death of prisoners of war; includes report on investigations concerning the fate
WO 367/1 POW camp registration cards
WO 367/2 POW camp registration cards
WO 367/3 POW camp registration cards
WO 392/23 POWs in Japan or Japanese Occupied Territory, A-D, 1945
In addition to the vast number of records and images from The National Archives, the Prisoners of war 1715-1945 also comprises transcripts provided by the Naval and Military Press as well as Brian Sims, an independent licensor. Below we have listed the record sets provided by sources outside of The National Archives.
Naval and Military Press
Brian Sims
This index points to the individual reports of allied service personnel evading capture or escaping from prisoner of war camps in Central Europe during the Second World War. Many of these reports were drawn up by M19 or British Military Intelligence Section 9, who specialised, among other things, in helping British and other allied servicemen trapped behind enemy lines. Apart from facilitating escapes from prisoner of war camps they also helped personnel, usually airmen, travel safely back to friendly or neutral states. As well as the British armed forces, many members of the Australian, Canadian, Cypriot, New Zealand and South African units are included as well as members of the Free French Forces and others.
The transcripts, created by Brian Sims, usually have a reference number for The National Archives series which holds the full individual reports. The pieces, within series WO208, covered by these records are as follows:
Pieces 3298 to 3327 – MI9 escape and evasion reports numbered 1 to 3,122, dating from 1940 to 1945
Pieces 3343 to 3345 – 843 miscellaneous interrogation reports from 1945
Pieces 3348 to 3352 – 3,048 escape reports from 1945
Pieces 4238 to 4276 – reports of prisoner of war escapes from Italy to Switzerland 1943-1944
Pieces 4368 to 4371 – sundry additional reports on prisoner of war escapes via Switzerland 1943-1944
Pieces 5393 to 5404 – MI9 reports on escapers and evaders through enemy lines in Italy 1943-1944
Pieces 5582 to 5583 – interrogation reports on repatriated allied prisoner of war escapers and evaders 1942-1946, including some appendices to reports in pieces 3305 to 3327
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