Search Tasmanias War Record

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Learn about these records

The records cover nine sections:

  1. Organising for Battle
  2. Egypt and Gallipoli.- 3rd, 9th, 12th 15th and 25th battalions
  3. France and Belgium - 12th and 15th battalions
  4. France and Belgium - 26th and 40th battalions
  5. France and Belgium - 47th and 52nd battalions - artillery
  6. Egypt and Palestine - 3rd Light Horse
  7. The Australian Army Medical Corps
  8. Prisoners in Germany
  9. The Civilian Effort

These include:

District Enlistments - summary of about 400 Tasmanian towns giving town population, number of enlistments and number who died from each

Decorations - summary of the various awards and the numbers of recipients Tasmania's Muster Rolls - these generally give name, rank, date of enlistment, length of service, rank on discharge and other remarks. Maps and photos are included.

Nearly 90 Nurses

Approx 12,500 officers, N.C.O's and men

Over 90 Tasmanians who enlisted in other states

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About these records

This offers wonderful information on Tasmanian soldiers - both those who fought abroad and those who performed their service from home. It's an immensely useful genealogy record, for not only are the names and details given, but also for the historical accounts of the various units and fields of service. A must for anyone researching their family history or building their family tree!