United States, Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War

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Do you have ancestors who served during the Revolutionary War? Explore this collection of Soldiers Rolls from the Revolutionary War. These records may reveal your ancestors rank, the regiment they served in, and information relating to their service.

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The American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783, was initiated by the thirteen colonies against the Kingdom of Great Britain, over what they deemed as excessive taxation and the absence of colonial representation in Parliament, ultimately resulting in the overthrow of British rule and the establishment of the United States of America.

The war followed more than a decade of growing estrangement between the British crown and a large and influential segment of its North American colonies that was caused by British attempts to assert greater control over colonial affairs after having long adhered to a policy of salutary neglect.

Until early in 1778, the conflict was a civil war within the British Empire, however, it became an international war as France in 1778 and with Spain in 1779 joining the colonies against Britain. The Netherlands provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support for it, was engaged in its war against Britain.

In October 1781, the war virtually came to an end when General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender the British position at Yorktown, Virginia. Two years later, the Treaty of Paris made it official and America was independent.

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