Somerset & Dorset Notes and Queries, 1890-1980

Search Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries 1890 – 1980

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Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset was first published in 1888 and has continued unbroken publication ever since. The first 30 volumes, covering the period from 1890 until 1980 is available exclusively on Findmypast. A valuable resource of genealogical information, you can find articles on local history, folklore and literature as well as valuable information like family trees, parish register extracts and copies of documents in private hands.

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Discover more about Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries

The first thirty volumes of Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset, covering the period 1890 to 1980, are now available in facsimile form, fully indexed, on Findmypast. You can search on people, places and general topics, or use a Keyword search for any words or phrases, and access any of the 7,646 articles, on nearly 10,000 pages published in this period.

Indexed terms in this record set include personal and place names. When you search in the Indexed terms search for the word ‘Love’, only pages where that word appears as proper name will be returned. However if you search for it in Keyword search all instances of the term will be returned including where it is part of the words ‘lover’ or ‘lovely’.

Please note that the year given refers to the date of the publication rather than the year of the event searched for. The publication provides a "repository for the preservation of facts relating to the present of past history of the district, and a medium of intercommunication among those whom are connected with it by ties of birth or interest".

This very general objective means that a rich miscellany of information can be found for Somerset & Dorset, including articles on the history, archaeology, genealogy, folklore and literature of the two counties. For many decades Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset was the only dedicated journal for family historians specifically for the counties of Somerset and Dorset. Consequently there is a mass of important material of interest and value to the family historian, including family trees, parish register extracts, wills, inventories, property records, copies of documents in private hands and articles on the emigration, militia, shipping, churchwardens, the civil war, the Monmouth Rebellion and much, much more.

Copyright belongs to Somerset & Dorset Notes and Queries

Join Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries

Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries continues to flourish and has published six further volumes. You can pay to become a member of Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries in order to receive printed copies of SDNQ twice a year. Members are encouraged to contribute to the journal with their own queries, notes and articles, but this is not essential. Volumes 31 onwards are available for sale to members. A link to the membership form with further information is provided in the Useful links and resources section.

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