Search The Treble Almanac 1818

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Discover your ancestors who lived in Ireland and were listed in The Treble Almanac 1818. The records may reveal their full name, where they lived, and their rank, occupation, or peerage. Included in the Nobility and Gentry category is a mention of Sir Robert Peel, then Secretary of State, who established the Metropolitan Police Force for London and the Royal Irish Constabulary and later went on to become prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?


Each record comprises a transcript and black and white image of the original register. The amount of information listed varies, but the records usually include a combination of the following information about your ancestor:

• First name(s)

• Last name

• Year

• Town

• County

• Section


The image may contain additional details, including:

• Rank or occupation

• Peerage

• Residence

• Business address

Discover more about these records

The record set comprises 17,870 records from all 32 Irish counties.

The Treble Almanacs incorporate three publications:

• John Watson Stewart's Almanac, a publication that includes a vast amount of information on a wide range of topics from army lists and mail coaches through to farming and schools

• The English Court Registry, which lists key individuals of the day, including royalty, peers, earls, MPs, Army and Naval officers

• Wilson's Dublin Directory, a trade directory listing Dublin streets, lanes, and alleys, plus details of merchants and traders

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