Scotland, People of Dundee & Forfarshire (angus) 1550-1799

Search Scotland, People of Dundee & Forfarshire (Angus) 1550-1799

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The names in this collection have been discovered across a number of sources from Dundee and Forfarshire. Each record will tell you the original source and a description of the text.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

With each record, you will be provided with the following facts about your ancestor@

  • Name
  • Year
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Additional information – a sample of the text in which the individual’s name was found
  • Publication
  • Source – this field may contain an abbreviation. A full list of abbreviations is available below.

Transcripts were created by David Dobson.

Discover more about these records

Below is a list of the abbreviations found in these records and the meaning for each.

AA - Angus Archives, Restenneth

ACB - Admiralty Court Book, 1557-1562, [SRS.1937]

AMW- Accounts of the Masters of Works, [Edinburgh, 1957]

ASW - Aberdeen Shore Works Accounts, 1596-1670

BCB - Dundee Burgh and Head Court Books

BCP - Bamff Charters and Papers, 1232-1703, [Edin.1915]

BL - Burgh Laws of Dundee, [London, 1872]

CW - Charters, Writs, of the Burgh of Dundee 1292-1880,

CCW - Charters of the Corporation of Weavers [1881]

CRB - Convention of Royal Burghs

CRBD - Charters Writs of Royal Burgh of Dundee. [1880]

DBR - Dundee Burgess Roll

DCA - Dundee City Archives

DCW - Dundee and the Civil Wars, 1639-1660, Dundee, 2007

DD - Dundee Delineated, 1822

DHR - Dundee Hammermen Records

EB - Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee, 1513-1886, Dundee, 1887

ER - Exchequer Rolls of Scotland

GLB - Glover Craft Lockit Buik ms

HOD - History of Old Dundee, A Maxwell, 1884

LC - Laing Charters, Edinburgh University

MD - Mariners of Dundee, Dundee 2006

MHD - Municipal History of Dundee, Dundee, 1873

NIT - The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee

NRK - Nederlands Rekeningen in de Tolregisteren van Konigsberg , 1588-1602, P H Winkelmen, s’Gravenhage,


OD - Old Dundee prior to the Reformation, Alexander Maxwell, 1891

PBB - Port Book of Boston , Lincolnshire

RGSS - Register of the Great Seal of Scotland RPSS = Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland

SHS - Scottish History Society

SSNE - Scots in Scandinavia & Northern Europe, Steven Murdoch

STR - Sound Toll Register

TR - Should Auld Aquaintance …, Thomas Riis

WB - The Wedderburn Book