Suffolk, Lambert's Family Almanack 1858-1917

Search Suffolk, Lambert's Family Almanack 1858-1917

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Discover your family’s history when you explore more than 3,000 pages of Lambert’s Family Almanack. Each year the almanack recorded local events such as marriages, deaths and an honour roll during the First World War in Framlingham as well as Saxmunham, Leiston, Woodbridge and Wickham Market. The almanack is an excellent source to add more colour to your family’s story.

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What can these records tell me?

Findmypast has digitised fifty-nine editions of the Lambert’s Family Almanack from 1858 to 1917. The only year missing is 1860. The almanack has been digitised as a PDF. The information found on each page will vary. There are a number of reasons why your ancestor’s name would appear in the annual almanack in Framlingham, such as being

  • A proprietor of a local business listed on an advertisement
  • Listed among the town officials
  • Included in the yearly announcements of births and marriages
  • Mentioned in an obituary
  • Featured in the local news for an individual achievement
  • Listed on the yearly roll of honour during World War One along with rank, regiment, enlistment date, previous occupation and/or military experience

Discover more about these records

  • Lambert’s Family Almanack started in 1856 by Robert J P Lambert. The title page describes the book as, ‘containing general and interesting information, including the rising and setting of the sun and moon, a copious calendar, law and university terms, eclipses, etc. with plenty of fire-side reading’. For a family historian, it contains so much more: birth, marriages, obituaries, descriptions of the town and noteworthy events, trade directories and lists of officials. At its height of popularity, the almanack had become a household name with a circulation of up to 10,000.
  • Lambert’s Family Almanack was published in the Suffolk market town of Framlingham, located on the river Alde. Framlingham, or Fram as the locals know it, is home to the immense Framlingham Castle built in the 12th century. In 1915, the almanack noted that, ‘restoration at the Castle still continues; one tower has been finished, and the Gate Tower is being proceeded with.’

If your ancestors were town officials or in business, you may be able to find them in multiple editions of the almanack, allowing you to trace their careers. For example, J R Lingley was the police superintendent of Woodbridge. His name appears on the list of officials from 1901 when he succeeded to the superintendence after W Balls resigned. His name continues to appear yearly through to 1917.

Enjoy some of the almanac’s light reading and advice with titles such as ‘How to manage your children’, ‘The secret of being well dressed’, ‘How to pick the perfect wife’, ‘The value of time’, ‘Jottings about [George] Washington’ or ‘How to make cheap bread using Harper Twelvetrees’ Baking and pastry powder’.

Each edition recorded the noteworthy events of the previous year. During the years of the First World War, the almanack recorded news related to the war. In 1914, the author wrote, ‘One of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in this town was the one organised for recruits to “Kitchener’s Army.” Rev J Holm Pilkingtom occupied the chair. The chief speakers were Mr Chas Austing, Major-General Sir Ronald Lane, Mr F S Stevenson, Capt E P Clarke and Mr Alf Pretty. The speech delivered by Mr Stevenson, who represented the division in Parliament from 1885 to 1906, created a great impression’. Short descriptions of local events such as this demonstrate how your ancestor would have been impacted by the war.