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Ireland, Directories 1636 - 1799 Browse
Ireland, Directories 1636 - 1799 Browse
Ireland, Directories 1636 - 1799 Browse
Browse through thousands of pages from Irish directories and almanacs published during the 17th and 18th centuries. Directories can reveal you ancestor’s occupation and residence, as well as shed light on life in Ireland at that time.
The publications are presented as images through our browse search. This allows you to choose which title and volume you want to read. Then, using the arrows on either side of the image, you can browse through the book. Use the image counter found at the bottom centre of the image to jump to a specific image number.
The details found in each volume depend on the nature of the publication. In this collection, you will find directories and some almanacs. You can discover the beliefs and practices prevalent in 17th and 18th century Ireland along with advice and predictions for a particular year. In the registers and directories, you will usually find lists of officials, commissions, government leaders, land owners, and religious leaders. For example, the English Registry provides lists of archdeacons, bishops, knights, military officers, lords, peers, dukes, barons, and commissions of customs, salt duties, and trade. The List of Freemen and Freeholders consists of names of all those who voted in the city of Dublin Parliament election of 1762.
Titles and publication years
A New Almanack and Prognostication for the Year of Our Lord, by Patrick True, 1636
A New Almanack for the Year of Our Lord, by Patrick Plunket, 1684
Advice from the Stars, by John Whalley, 1698
Bourk's Almanack, by John Bourke, 1684
Dublin Directory (Wilson's), 1751-1753, and 1760
List of Dublin Freemen & Freeholders, 1762
Principal Inhabitants of Dublin, 1684
Sydereus Nuncius or an Ephemeris for the Year Human Redemption, by John Whalley, 1686
The English Registry, 1752 and 1753
The Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack (Watson's), 1730-1758
The Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack (Watson's) and The English Registry, 1759, 1760
The Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack (Watson's) and The English Registry and Wilson's Dublin Directory, 1761-1762, 1769-1772
The Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack (Watson's) and The English Registry and Wilson's Dublin Directory, With Map, 1763-1799
Vox Urania or an Almanack for the Year Human Redemption, by John Whalley, 1685