Find your ancestors in Selby Cemetery

Explore over 10,000 records from the Selby cemetery in Yorkshire. Discover further genealogical information about your family like where your ancestor died, birth date and further family members names.

The records include a transcript of the original details of the Selby Cemetery. The amount of details in each transcript can vary but most will include a combination of the following:

  • Name
  • Death date
  • Birth year
  • Age
  • Place of death
  • Place
  • Parish
  • County and country
  • Minister
  • Consecrated
  • Plot
  • Relationship
  • Notes

The relationship field can give you further family history details. Some transcripts describe the individual as a daughter/son or husband/wife of and will include an additional family member’s name. Some of records have included occupational details in this same field.

Most transcripts include details of whether the individual was buried in the consecrated or unconsecrated grounds. Those buried in unconsecrated grounds generally means that the individual was not a member of the Church of England.

Discover more about the Selby Cemetery records

The collection was created by the Selby & District Family History Society. The records includes those who were buried in the Selby cemetery, but may not have been residing in Selby at the time of death. There are burial details of individuals who were living in Belfast, Manchester, Glasgow and more.

The cemetery includes war graves from both World Wars and a memorial to those who seved in South Africa during the Boar War. During the Second World War, ground was set aside for the war graves within the cemetery. Those who died during World War 1 are buried throughout the cemetery. The records includes the details of Victor Leethem Chambers. Private Chambers died in a hospital in Glasgow in October 1916, from wounds he received while on active duty with the 1st Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). He received wounds during the Battle of Deville Wood on 17 July 1916. Additional information about Chambers can be found in the findmypast Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-1919 record set.

Over 600 records are of those who died within the Union Workhouse, Selby. The Selby workhouse opened in 1837 on Doncaster Road. It was a brick building which could accommodate up to 70 inmates. Female inmates stayed on the North side and males were housed on the South side. After further extensions, by 1930 the workhouse could hold up to 158 inmates. The site closed in 1948.