Find your ancestors in Northern Territory, Anglican Marriages 1902-1953


Do you have ancestry in the Northern Territory?

This is a listing of marriages in Northern Territory for the following Churches:
• Darwin Christ Church Marriages 1902 – 1942
• Darwin Christ Church Marriages 1946 - 1952
• Darwin Christ Church Marriages 1952 - 1953
• Alice Springs Marriages 1936 – 1949

"What information might I find on my ancestors from these inscriptions?"

The following may be recorded for each entry:
• No.
• Date
• Name
• Age
• Birthplace
• M/S
• Occupation
• Residence
• Father's Name
• Place Performed
• Witness
• Minister

If you're exploring your family history or building a family tree, this is a wonderful genealogy tool for anyone with ancestors in this area.

Data provided by Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory Inc

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