Find your ancestors in Queensland Education Gazette 1959

A unique source of information, this is a valuable resource that should not be overlooked – for anyone with either family connections to the teachers or just an interest in the history of education or individual schools.

Containing all eleven issues that were issued during 1959 (one a month, excluding December), these Education Gazettes contain the names and teaching level of thousands of teachers throughout Queensland during 1959 – mainly in the lists of Grade Promotions.

SENIOR TEACHER SCHOLARS: Assistant Teacher on Probation to Class II., Division 8
Abernethy, David Stokes
Affleck, Keith William Francis
Ainsbury, Graeme Eric
Alldridge, Colin Joseph 12-5-59
Alloway, Raymond Lea
Anderson, Alan George
Andrews, Malcolm Charles
Appleton, Allan Morris
Austin, Leslie Dennis
Baggett, Peter James