Find your ancestors in New Zealand PO Directory 1890-1933


Do you have New Zealand ancestry?

These Wise directories are a valuable genealogy resource for anyone exploring their family history or building a family tree, as well as researchers of New Zealand history.

They contain towns, alphabetical, trade and miscellaneous sections that list the names, addresses and professions of every one in New Zealand. It also includes a street guide for some of the major towns and separate directories for banking, public companies, medical, legal, ecclesiastical, educational, pastoral, municipal and government.

Directories are an extremely useful tool for establishing when and where a person lived however this is just a starting point, look further in the directory to find out more information about the society in which they lived, the occupation they held and the people they knew.

Included in this collection are five volumes: 1890, 1892-1902, 1905, 1915 & 1930-1933.