Find your ancestors in Victorian Directory 1904 (Sands)


Do you have Victorian ancestry?

A huge directory consisting of over 1900 pages, this Sands and McDougall Directory consists of not only a Melbourne Directory, but also its Suburbs and the country areas too. It's a great genealogy tool for anyone exploring their family history or building a family tree.

The Melbourne and Suburbs sections contain the "Street, Alphabetical, Trade and Professional Directories of Melbourne and Suburbs together with Government, Ecclesiastical, Legal, Official, Municipal, and other miscellaneous Information".

The Country section "has been largely added to and now contains the Street, Trade and Professional Directories together with the Names of all the Leading Professional Men, Persons in Trade, and Storekeepers in 185 of the Principal Towns in the State of Victoria which are shown on a map specially prepared for this issue".

There is a detailed map covering the whole state of Victoria, as well as numerous detailed suburban maps. Places covered by these maps include: Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Braybrook and Maidstone, Brighton East, Brighton South, Burwood, Canterbury, Cheltenham, Doncaster, Glenroy, Mentone, Mitcham, Mordialloc, Oakleigh, Preston, Ringwood, Sandringham, Surrey Hills and Tunstall.