Find your ancestors in Pugh's Almanac & Queensland Directory 1891

In this directory you can expect to find people named with their addresses:
Brisbane - by trade
Country Towns - by town and trade
All Queensland by trade
Brisbane and most towns by name
Other sections including names but usually not addresses:

Government and official directory
Courts, barristers, JPs, solicitors and public notaries
Head teachers of government schools
Savings Bank staff
Military officers Consuls, Government pensioners
Medical practitioners, dentists and chemists
Lodge masters and temperance society officers
Bankers, insurance officers and company managers
Users should always refer to the display advertisements as they often provide names and addresses.

One of the most effective ways of tracing members of a family, especially tradesmen, is through searching directories. Many small businesses needed to ensure the public was aware of their activity and one of the better ways to do this in an age before media domination was via a directory. The value of directories as a research tool is enhanced when no census material is available.